AesGcmBlockCrypto |
Implementation of BlockCrypto which uses AES-GCM for encrypting and decrypting blocks.
CachableSecretsManager |
Since Athena may call your connector or UDF at a high TPS or concurrency you may want to have a short lived
cache in front of SecretsManager to avoid bottlenecking on SecretsManager.
EncryptionKey |
Holder for an AES-GCM compatible encryption key and nonce.
FederatedIdentity |
Defines the identity of the Athena caller.
KmsKeyFactory |
An EncryptionKeyFactory that is backed by AWS KMS.
LocalKeyFactory |
An EncryptionKeyFactory that is backed by a local source of randomness.
NoOpBlockCrypto |
Implementation of BlockCrypto does a No-OP (nothing) for encrypting and decrypting blocks.