Class DDBTypeUtils

  • public final class DDBTypeUtils
    extends Object
    Provides utility methods relating to type handling.
    • Method Detail

      • inferArrowField

        public static org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field inferArrowField​(String key,
        Infers an Arrow field from an object. This has limitations when it comes to complex types such as Lists and Maps and will fallback to VARCHAR fields in those cases.
        key - the name of the field
        value - the value of the field
        the inferred Arrow field
      • convertArrowTypeIfNecessary

        public static Object convertArrowTypeIfNecessary​(String columnName,
                                                         Object object)
        Converts certain Arrow POJOs to Java POJOs to make downstream conversion easier. This is called from GetSplits request. Since DDBRecordMetadata object is used for any custom override for data manipulation/formatting, it does not apply to GetSplits request.
        columnName - column name where the input object comes from
        object - the input object
        the converted-to object if convertible, otherwise the original object
      • convertArrowTypeIfNecessary

        public static Object convertArrowTypeIfNecessary​(String columnName,
                                                         Object object,
                                                         DDBRecordMetadata recordMetadata)
        Converts certain Arrow POJOs to Java POJOs to make downstream conversion easier.
        columnName - column name where the input object comes from
        object - the input object
        recordMetadata - metadata object from glue table that contains customer specified information such as desired default timezone, or datetime formats
        the converted-to object if convertible, otherwise the original object
      • getArrowFieldFromDDBType

        public static org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field getArrowFieldFromDDBType​(String attributeName,
                                                                                        String attributeType)
        Converts from DynamoDB Attribute Type to Arrow type.
        attributeName - the DDB Attribute name
        attributeType - the DDB Attribute type
        the converted-to Arrow Field
      • coerceValueToExpectedType

        public static Object coerceValueToExpectedType​(Object value,
                                                       org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field field,
                                                       org.apache.arrow.vector.types.Types.MinorType fieldType,
                                                       DDBRecordMetadata recordMetadata)
        Coerces the raw value from DynamoDB to normalized type
        value - raw value from DynamoDB
        field - Arrow field from table schema
        fieldType - Corresponding MinorType for field
        recordMetadata - DDBRecordMetadata object containing any metadata that is passed from schema metadata
        coerced value to normalized type
      • coerceListToExpectedType

        public static List<Object> coerceListToExpectedType​(Object value,
                                                            org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field field,
                                                            DDBRecordMetadata recordMetadata)
                                                     throws RuntimeException
        Converts a Set to a List, and coerces all list items into the correct type. If value is not a Collection, this method will return a List containing a single item.
        value - is the Set/List of items.
        field - is the LIST field containing a list type in the child field.
        recordMetadata - contains metadata information.
        a List of coerced values.
        RuntimeException - when value is instance of Map since a List is expected.
      • makeExtractor

        public static Optional<Extractor> makeExtractor​(org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field field,
                                                        DDBRecordMetadata recordMetadata,
                                                        boolean caseInsensitive)
        Create the appropriate field extractor used for extracting field values from a DDB based on the field type.
        field -
        recordMetadata -
      • makeFactory

        public static FieldWriterFactory makeFactory​(org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field field,
                                                     DDBRecordMetadata recordMetadata,
                                                     DynamoDBFieldResolver resolver,
                                                     boolean caseInsensitive)
        Since GeneratedRowWriter doesn't yet support complex types (STRUCT, LIST..etc) we use this to create our own FieldWriters via a custom FieldWriterFactory.
        field - is used to determine which factory to generate based on the field type.
        recordMetadata - is used to retrieve metadata of ddb types
        resolver - is used to resolve it to proper type
      • toSimpleValue

        public static <T> T toSimpleValue​( value)
      • toAttributeValue

        public static toAttributeValue​(Object value)
      • attributeToJson

        public static String attributeToJson​( attributeValue,
                                             String key)
      • jsonToAttributeValue

        public static jsonToAttributeValue​(String jsonString,
                                                                                                         String key)