Class HbaseRowBuilder

  • public class HbaseRowBuilder
    extends Object
    This class constructs a row that can be inserted into an HBase table.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HbaseRowBuilder

        public HbaseRowBuilder​(String rowDesignation)
        The constructor instantiates the row with the row designation (usually the row number).
        rowDesignation - The row number (e.g. "1").
    • Method Detail

      • addColumn

        public HbaseRowBuilder addColumn​(String familyName,
                                         String columnName,
                                         String columnValue)
        Adds a single column to the row.
        familyName - The name of the family.
        columnName - The name of the column.
        columnValue - The value of the column.
        A row builder object.
      • build

        public org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put build()
        Returns the built row.
        A Put (row) object.