Interface StsWebIdentityCredentialsProvider.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface StsWebIdentityCredentialsProvider.Builder
    A builder for creating an STS web identity credentials provider.
    • Method Detail

      • withClientBootstrap

        StsWebIdentityCredentialsProvider.Builder withClientBootstrap​(ClientBootstrap clientBootstrap)
        Sets the client bootstrap (host resolver and event loop group) to use when making the connections required by this provider. The default is a bootstrap which uses the static default event loop group and host resolver.
        clientBootstrap - client bootstrap to use
        The current builder
      • withTlsContext

        StsWebIdentityCredentialsProvider.Builder withTlsContext​(TlsContext tlsContext)
        Sets the tls context to use for any secure network connections made while sourcing credentials.
        tlsContext - the tls context to use when establishing network connections
        The current builder
      • build

        StsWebIdentityCredentialsProvider build()
        Create an STS web identity credentials provider using the configuration applied to this builder.
        A new STS web identity credentials provider.