Class Http2StreamManagerOptions

  • public class Http2StreamManagerOptions
    extends Object
    Contains all the configuration options for a Http2StreamManager instance
    • Constructor Detail

      • Http2StreamManagerOptions

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions()
        Default constructor
    • Method Detail

      • withInitialSettingsList

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions withInitialSettingsList​(List<Http2ConnectionSetting> initialSettingsList)
        For HTTP/2 stream manager only. The initial settings for the HTTP/2 connections made by stream manger. `Http2ConnectionSettingListBuilder` can help to build the settings list. To control the initial stream-level flow-control window, set the INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE setting in the initial settings.
        initialSettingsList - The List of initial settings
      • withIdealConcurrentStreamsPerConnection

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions withIdealConcurrentStreamsPerConnection​(int idealConcurrentStreamsPerConnection)
        For HTTP/2 stream manager only. The ideal number of concurrent streams for a connection. Stream manager will try to create a new connection if one connection reaches this number. But, if the max connections reaches, manager will reuse connections to create the acquired steams as much as possible.
        idealConcurrentStreamsPerConnection - The ideal number of concurrent streams for a connection
      • getIdealConcurrentStreamsPerConnection

        public int getIdealConcurrentStreamsPerConnection()
        The ideal number of concurrent streams for a connection used for manager
      • withMaxConcurrentStreamsPerConnection

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions withMaxConcurrentStreamsPerConnection​(int maxConcurrentStreamsPerConnection)
        Default is no limit, which will use the limit from the server. 0 will be considered as using the default value. The real number of concurrent streams per connection will be controlled by the minimal value of the setting from other end and the value here.
        maxConcurrentStreamsPerConnection - The max number of concurrent streams for a connection
      • getMaxConcurrentStreamsPerConnection

        public int getMaxConcurrentStreamsPerConnection()
        The max number of concurrent streams for a connection set for manager. It could be different than the real limits, which is the minimal set for manager and the settings from the other side.
      • isConnectionManualWindowManagement

        public boolean isConnectionManualWindowManagement()
        The connection level manual flow control enabled or not.
      • withConnectionManualWindowManagement

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions withConnectionManualWindowManagement​(boolean connectionManualWindowManagement)
        Set to true to manually manage the flow-control window of whole HTTP/2 connection. The stream level flow-control window is controlled by the manualWindowManagement in connectionManagerOptions.
        connectionManualWindowManagement - Enable connection level manual flow control or not.
      • getConnectionManagerOptions

        public HttpClientConnectionManagerOptions getConnectionManagerOptions()
        The connection manager options for the underlying connection manager.
      • withConnectionManagerOptions

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions withConnectionManagerOptions​(HttpClientConnectionManagerOptions connectionManagerOptions)
        Required. The configuration options for the connection manager under the hood. It controls the connection specific thing for the stream manager. See `HttpClientConnectionManagerOptions` for details. Note: 1. the windowSize of connection manager will be ignored, as the initial flow-control window size for HTTP/2 stream is controlled by the initial settings. 2. The expectedHttpVersion will also be ignored.
        connectionManagerOptions - The connection manager options for the underlying connection manager
      • hasPriorKnowledge

        public boolean hasPriorKnowledge()
        Prior knowledge is used or not
      • withPriorKnowledge

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions withPriorKnowledge​(boolean priorKnowledge)
        Set to true to use prior knowledge to setup connection. If any TLS was set, exception will be raised if prior knowledge is set during validation. If NO TLS was set, exception will be raised if prior knowledge is NOT set during validation.
        priorKnowledge - Prior knowledge used or not.
      • shouldCloseConnectionOnServerError

        public boolean shouldCloseConnectionOnServerError()
        Connection closed or not when server error happened (500/502/503/504 response status code received).
      • withCloseConnectionOnServerError

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions withCloseConnectionOnServerError​(boolean closeConnectionOnServerError)
        Set to true to inform stream manager to close connection when response with 500/502/503/504 received. Stream manager will stop using the connection with server error will start a new connection for other streams.
        closeConnectionOnServerError - Connection closed or not when server error happened.
      • withConnectionPing

        public Http2StreamManagerOptions withConnectionPing​(int periodMs,
                                                            int timeoutMs)
        Settings to control the period ping to be sent for connections held by stream manager.
        periodMs - The period for all the connections held by stream manager to send a PING in milliseconds. If you specify 0, manager will NOT send any PING.
        timeoutMs - Network connection will be closed if a ping response is not received within this amount of time (milliseconds). If you specify 0, a default value will be used. If this is larger than periodMs, it will be capped to be equal.
      • getConnectionPingPeriodMs

        public int getConnectionPingPeriodMs()
        The period for all the connections held by stream manager to send a PING in milliseconds.
      • getConnectionPingTimeoutMs

        public int getConnectionPingTimeoutMs()
        The time for closing connection if ping not received within this amount of time in milliseconds
      • validateOptions

        public void validateOptions()
        Validate the stream manager options are valid to use. Throw exceptions if not.