Class MqttClientConnectionOperationStatistics

  • public class MqttClientConnectionOperationStatistics
    extends Object
    Simple statistics about the current state of the connection's queue of operations
    • Constructor Detail

      • MqttClientConnectionOperationStatistics

        public MqttClientConnectionOperationStatistics()
    • Method Detail

      • getIncompleteOperationCount

        public long getIncompleteOperationCount()
        Returns the total number of operations submitted to the connection that have not yet been completed. Note: Unacked operations are a subset of this.
        Total number of operations submitted to the connection that have not yet been completed
      • getIncompleteOperationSize

        public long getIncompleteOperationSize()
        Returns the total packet size of operations submitted to the connection that have not yet been completed. Note: Unacked operations are a subset of this.
        Total packet size of operations submitted to the connection that have not yet been completed
      • getUnackedOperationCount

        public long getUnackedOperationCount()
        Returns the total number of operations that have been sent and are waiting for a corresponding ACK before they can be completed.
        Total number of operations that have been sent and are waiting for a corresponding ACK
      • getUnackedOperationSize

        public long getUnackedOperationSize()
        Returns the total packet size of operations that have been sent and are waiting for a corresponding ACK before they can be completed.
        Total packet size of operations that have been sent and are waiting for a corresponding ACK