MqttClient |
This class wraps aws-c-mqtt to provide the basic MQTT pub/sub functionalities
via the AWS Common Runtime
One MqttClient class is needed per application.
MqttClientConnection |
This class wraps aws-c-mqtt to provide the basic MQTT pub/sub functionality
via the AWS Common Runtime
MqttClientConnection represents a single connection from one MqttClient to an
MQTT service endpoint
MqttClientConnectionOperationStatistics |
Simple statistics about the current state of the connection's queue of operations
MqttConnectionConfig |
Encapsulates all per-mqtt-connection configuration
MqttMessage |
Represents a message to publish, or a message that was received.
OnConnectionClosedReturn |
The data returned when the connection closed callback is invoked in a connection.
OnConnectionFailureReturn |
The data returned when the connection failure callback is invoked in a connection.
OnConnectionSuccessReturn |
The data returned when the connection success callback is invoked in a connection.
WebsocketHandshakeTransformArgs |
Arguments to a websocket handshake transform operation.