Class MqttConnectionConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class MqttConnectionConfig
    extends CrtResource
    Encapsulates all per-mqtt-connection configuration
    • Constructor Detail

      • MqttConnectionConfig

        public MqttConnectionConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • setConnectionCallbacks

        public void setConnectionCallbacks​(MqttClientConnectionEvents connectionCallbacks)
        Configures the connection-related callbacks for a connection
        connectionCallbacks - connection event callbacks to use
      • getConnectionCallbacks

        public MqttClientConnectionEvents getConnectionCallbacks()
        Queries the connection-related callbacks for a connection
        the connection event callbacks to use
      • setClientId

        public void setClientId​(String clientId)
        Configures the client_id to use with a connection
        clientId - The client id for a connection. Needs to be unique across all devices/clients.this.credentialsProvider
      • getClientId

        public String getClientId()
        Queries the client_id being used by a connection
        The client id for a connection.
      • setEndpoint

        public void setEndpoint​(String endpoint)
        Configures the IoT endpoint for a connection
        endpoint - The IoT endpoint to connect to
      • getEndpoint

        public String getEndpoint()
        Queries the IoT endpoint used by a connection
        The IoT endpoint used by a connection
      • setPort

        public void setPort​(int port)
        Configures the port to connect to.
        port - The port to connect to. Usually 8883 for MQTT, or 443 for websockets
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Queries the port to connect to.
        The port to connect to
      • setSocketOptions

        public void setSocketOptions​(SocketOptions socketOptions)
        Configures the common settings to use for a connection's socket
        socketOptions - The socket settings
      • getSocketOptions

        public SocketOptions getSocketOptions()
        Queries the common settings to use for a connection's socket
        The socket settings
      • setCleanSession

        public void setCleanSession​(boolean cleanSession)
        Configures whether or not the service should try to resume prior subscriptions, if it has any
        cleanSession - true if the session should drop prior subscriptions when a connection is established, false to resume the session
      • getCleanSession

        public boolean getCleanSession()
        Queries whether or not the service should try to resume prior subscriptions, if it has any
        true if the session should drop prior subscriptions when a connection is established, false to resume the session
      • setKeepAliveMs

        public void setKeepAliveMs​(int keepAliveMs)
        Configures MQTT keep-alive via PING messages. Note that this is not TCP keepalive. Please use setKeepAliveSecs instead.
        keepAliveMs - How often in milliseconds to send an MQTT PING message to the service to keep a connection alive
      • getKeepAliveMs

        public int getKeepAliveMs()
        Queries the MQTT keep-alive via PING messages. Please use getKeepAliveSecs instead.
        How often in milliseconds to send an MQTT PING message to the service to keep a connection alive
      • setKeepAliveSecs

        public void setKeepAliveSecs​(int keepAliveSecs)
        Configures MQTT keep-alive via PING messages. Note that this is not TCP keepalive. Note: AWS IoT Core only allows 30-1200 Secs. Anything larger than 65535 will be capped.
        keepAliveSecs - How often in seconds to send an MQTT PING message to the service to keep a connection alive
      • getKeepAliveSecs

        public int getKeepAliveSecs()
        Queries the MQTT keep-alive via PING messages.
        How often in seconds to send an MQTT PING message to the service to keep a connection alive
      • setPingTimeoutMs

        public void setPingTimeoutMs​(int pingTimeoutMs)
        Configures ping timeout value. If a response is not received within this interval, the connection will be reestablished.
        pingTimeoutMs - How long to wait for a ping response (in milliseconds) before resetting the connection
      • getPingTimeoutMs

        public int getPingTimeoutMs()
        Queries ping timeout value. If a response is not received within this interval, the connection will be reestablished.
        How long to wait for a ping response before resetting the connection
      • setReconnectTimeoutSecs

        public void setReconnectTimeoutSecs​(long minTimeoutSecs,
                                            long maxTimeoutSecs)
        Configures the minimum and maximum reconnect timeouts. The time between reconnect attempts will start at min and multiply by 2 until max is reached. Default value for min is 1, for max 128. Set either one to zero will use the default setting.
        minTimeoutSecs - The timeout to start with
        maxTimeoutSecs - The highest allowable wait time between reconnect attempts
      • getMinReconnectTimeoutSecs

        public long getMinReconnectTimeoutSecs()
        Return the minimum reconnect timeout.
        The timeout to start with
      • getMaxReconnectTimeoutSecs

        public long getMaxReconnectTimeoutSecs()
        Return the maximum reconnect timeout.
        The highest allowable wait time between reconnect attempts
      • setProtocolOperationTimeoutMs

        public void setProtocolOperationTimeoutMs​(int protocolOperationTimeoutMs)
        Configures timeout value for requests that response is required on healthy connection. If a response is not received within this interval, the request will fail as server not receiving it. Applied to publish (QoS>0) and unsubscribe
        protocolOperationTimeoutMs - How long to wait for a request response (in milliseconds) before failing
      • getProtocolOperationTimeoutMs

        public int getProtocolOperationTimeoutMs()
        Queries timeout value for requests that response is required on healthy connection. If a response is not received within this interval, the request will fail as server not receiving it. Applied to publish (QoS>0) and unsubscribe
        How long to wait for a request response (in milliseconds) before failing
      • setMqttClient

        public void setMqttClient​(MqttClient mqttClient)
        Configures the mqtt client to use for a connection
        mqttClient - the mqtt client to use
      • getMqttClient

        public MqttClient getMqttClient()
        Queries the mqtt client to use for a connection
        the mqtt client to use
      • setMqtt5Client

        public void setMqtt5Client​(Mqtt5Client mqtt5Client)
        Configures the mqtt5 client to use for a connection
        mqtt5Client - the mqtt client to use
      • getMqtt5Client

        public Mqtt5Client getMqtt5Client()
        Queries the mqtt5 client to use for a connection
        the mqtt5 client to use
      • setLogin

        public void setLogin​(String user,
                             String pass)
                      throws MqttException
        Sets the login credentials for a connection.
        user - Login username
        pass - Login password
      • setUsername

        public void setUsername​(String username)
        Configures the username to use as part of the CONNECT attempt
        username - username to use for the mqtt connect operation
      • getUsername

        public String getUsername()
        Queries the username to use as part of the CONNECT attempt
        username to use for the mqtt connect operation
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(String password)
        Configures the password to use as part of the CONNECT attempt
        password - password to use for the mqtt connect operation
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
        Queries the password to use as part of the CONNECT attempt
        password to use for the mqtt connect operation
      • setWillMessage

        public void setWillMessage​(MqttMessage willMessage)
        Configures the last will and testament message to be delivered to a topic when a connection disconnects
        willMessage - the message to publish as the will
      • getWillMessage

        public MqttMessage getWillMessage()
        Queries the last will and testament message to be delivered to a topic when a connection disconnects
        the message to publish as the will
      • setWillRetain

        public void setWillRetain​(boolean retain)
        Set retain directly on the will's MqttMessage.
        retain - whether will's should be sent with retain property set
      • getWillRetain

        public boolean getWillRetain()
        Query retain directly from the will's MqttMessage.
        whether will will be sent with retain property set
      • setUseWebsockets

        public void setUseWebsockets​(boolean useWebsockets)
        Configures whether or not to use websockets for the mqtt connection
        useWebsockets - whether or not to use websockets
      • getUseWebsockets

        public boolean getUseWebsockets()
        Queries whether or not to use websockets for the mqtt connection
        whether or not to use websockets
      • setWebsocketProxyOptions

        public void setWebsocketProxyOptions​(HttpProxyOptions proxyOptions)
        use setHttpProxyOptions instead Configures proxy options for a websocket-based mqtt connection
        proxyOptions - proxy options to use for the base http connection
      • getWebsocketProxyOptions

        public HttpProxyOptions getWebsocketProxyOptions()
        use getHttpProxyOptions instead Queries proxy options for a websocket-based mqtt connection
        proxy options to use for the base http connection
      • setHttpProxyOptions

        public void setHttpProxyOptions​(HttpProxyOptions proxyOptions)
        Configures proxy options for the mqtt connection
        proxyOptions - proxy options to use for the connection
      • getHttpProxyOptions

        public HttpProxyOptions getHttpProxyOptions()
        Queries proxy options for an mqtt connection
        proxy options to use for the connection
      • setWebsocketHandshakeTransform

        public void setWebsocketHandshakeTransform​(Consumer<WebsocketHandshakeTransformArgs> handshakeTransform)
        Set a transform operation to use on each websocket handshake http request. The transform may modify the http request before it is sent to the server. The transform MUST call handshakeTransform.complete() or handshakeTransform.completeExceptionally() when the transform is complete, failure to do so will stall the mqtt connection indefinitely. The transform operation may be asynchronous. The default websocket handshake http request uses path "/mqtt". All required headers for a websocket handshake are present, plus the optional header "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: mqtt". This is only applicable to websocket-based mqtt connections.
        handshakeTransform - http request handshake transform
      • getWebsocketHandshakeTransform

        public Consumer<WebsocketHandshakeTransformArgs> getWebsocketHandshakeTransform()
        Queries the handshake http request transform to use when upgrading the connection
        http request handshake transform
      • clone

        public MqttConnectionConfig clone()
        Creates a (shallow) clone of this config object
        shallow clone of this config object