Interface S3MetaRequestResponseHandler

  • public interface S3MetaRequestResponseHandler
    Interface called by native code to provide S3MetaRequest responses.
    • Method Detail

      • onResponseHeaders

        default void onResponseHeaders​(int statusCode,
                                       HttpHeader[] headers)
        Invoked to provide response headers received during the execution of the meta request. Note: the statusCode in this callback is not the final statusCode. It is possible that the statusCode in `onResponseHeaders` is 200, and then the request fail leading to a different statusCode in the final `onFinished` callback.
        statusCode - statusCode of the HTTP response
        headers - the headers received
      • onResponseBody

        default int onResponseBody​(ByteBuffer bodyBytesIn,
                                   long objectRangeStart,
                                   long objectRangeEnd)
        Invoked to provide the response body as it is received.

        Note that if the client was created with S3ClientOptions.withReadBackpressureEnabled(boolean) set true, you must maintain the flow-control window. The flow-control window shrinks as you receive body data via this callback. Whenever the flow-control window reaches zero, data will stop downloading. To keep data flowing, you must increment the window by returning a number from this method, or by calling S3MetaRequest.incrementReadWindow(long).

        If backpressure is disabled, you do not need to maintain the flow-control window, data will arrive as fast as possible.
        bodyBytesIn - The body data for this chunk of the object
        objectRangeStart - The byte index of the object that this refers to. For example, for an HTTP message that has a range header, the first chunk received will have a range_start that matches the range header's range-start
        objectRangeEnd - corresponds to the past-of-end chunk offset, i.e. objectRangeStart + the chunk length
        The number of bytes to increment the flow-control window by (calling S3MetaRequest.incrementReadWindow(long) has the same effect). This value is ignored if backpressure is disabled.
        See Also:
      • onFinished

        default void onFinished​(S3FinishedResponseContext context)
        Invoked when the entire meta request execution is complete.
        context - a wrapper object containing the following fields
      • onProgress

        default void onProgress​(S3MetaRequestProgress progress)
        Invoked to report progress of the meta request execution. The meaning of "progress" depends on the S3MetaRequestOptions.MetaRequestType. For PUT_OBJECT, it refers to bytes uploaded. For COPY_OBJECT, it refers to bytes copied. For GET_OBJECT, it refers to bytes downloaded. For anything else, it refers to response body bytes received.
        progress - information about the progress of the meta request execution