Class S3ClientOptions

  • public class S3ClientOptions
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • S3ClientOptions

        public S3ClientOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getRegion

        public String getRegion()
      • withCredentialsProvider

        public S3ClientOptions withCredentialsProvider​(CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider)
        Please use withSigningConfig(AwsSigningConfig) instead. The credentials provider will be used to create the signing Config when the client was created. Client will use `AwsSigningConfig.getDefaultS3SigningConfig(region, credentialsProvider);` to create the signing config.
        credentialsProvider - provide credentials for signing.
      • withSigningConfig

        public S3ClientOptions withSigningConfig​(AwsSigningConfig signingConfig)
        The configuration related to signing used by S3 client. `AwsSigningConfig.getDefaultS3SigningConfig(region, credentialsProvider);` can be used as helper to create the default configuration to be used for S3. In case of public object, or the http message already has a presigned URL, signing can be skipped. If not set, a default config will be used with anonymous credentials and skip signing the request. If set: - Credentials provider is required. Other configs are all optional, and will be default to what needs to sign the request for S3, only overrides when Non-zero/Not-empty is set. - S3 Client will derive the right config for signing process based on this. Notes: - For SIGV4_S3EXPRESS, S3 client will use the credentials in the config to derive the S3 Express credentials that are used in the signing process. - Client may make modifications to signing config before passing it on to signer.
        signingConfig - configuration related to signing via an AWS signing process.
      • getPartSize

        public long getPartSize()
      • withMultipartUploadThreshold

        public S3ClientOptions withMultipartUploadThreshold​(long multipartUploadThreshold)
      • getMultiPartUploadThreshold

        public long getMultiPartUploadThreshold()
      • withThroughputTargetGbps

        public S3ClientOptions withThroughputTargetGbps​(double throughputTargetGbps)
      • getThroughputTargetGbps

        public double getThroughputTargetGbps()
      • withReadBackpressureEnabled

        public S3ClientOptions withReadBackpressureEnabled​(boolean enable)
        Set whether backpressure is enabled (false by default), to prevent response data downloading faster than you can handle it.

        If false, no backpressure is applied and data will download as fast as possible.

        If true, each S3MetaRequest has a flow-control window that shrinks as response body data is downloaded (headers do not affect the window). withInitialReadWindowSize(long) determines the starting size of each S3MetaRequest's window, in bytes. Data stops downloading data whenever the window reaches zero. Increment the window to keep data flowing by calling S3MetaRequest.incrementReadWindow(long), or by returning a size from S3MetaRequestResponseHandler.onResponseBody(java.nio.ByteBuffer, long, long). Maintain a larger window to keep up a high download throughput, parts cannot download in parallel unless the window is large enough to hold multiple parts. Maintain a smaller window to limit the amount of data buffered in memory.

        WARNING: This feature is experimental. Currently, backpressure is only applied to GetObject requests which are split into multiple parts, and you may still receive some data after the window reaches zero.

        enable - whether to enable or disable backpressure
      • getReadBackpressureEnabled

        public boolean getReadBackpressureEnabled()
      • withInitialReadWindowSize

        public S3ClientOptions withInitialReadWindowSize​(long bytes)
        The starting size of each S3MetaRequest's flow-control window (if backpressure is enabled).
        bytes - size in bytes
        See Also:
      • getInitialReadWindowSize

        public long getInitialReadWindowSize()
      • getEndpoint

        public String getEndpoint()
      • getTlsContext

        public TlsContext getTlsContext()
      • withMaxConnections

        public S3ClientOptions withMaxConnections​(int maxConnections)
      • getMaxConnections

        public int getMaxConnections()
      • getComputeContentMd5

        public Boolean getComputeContentMd5()
      • withConnectTimeoutMs

        public S3ClientOptions withConnectTimeoutMs​(int connectTimeoutMs)
      • getConnectTimeoutMs

        public int getConnectTimeoutMs()
      • withHttpMonitoringOptions

        public S3ClientOptions withHttpMonitoringOptions​(HttpMonitoringOptions monitoringOptions)
        Options for detecting bad HTTP connections. If the transfer throughput falls below the specified thresholds for long enough, the operation is retried on a new connection. If left unset, default values are used.
        monitoringOptions - monitoring options
      • withEnableS3Express

        public S3ClientOptions withEnableS3Express​(boolean enableS3Express)
        To enable S3 Express support for client The typical usage for a S3 Express request is to set this to true and let the request to be signed with AwsSigningConfig.AwsSigningAlgorithm.SIGV4_S3EXPRESS, either from the client level signingConfig or override from request.
        enableS3Express - To enable S3 Express support for client
      • getEnableS3Express

        public boolean getEnableS3Express()
      • withMemoryLimitInBytes

        public S3ClientOptions withMemoryLimitInBytes​(long memoryLimitBytes)
        The amount of memory the CRT client is allowed to use. The client makes a best-effort attempt at memory limiting but might exceed this limit in some cases. If not provided, the client calculates this optimally from other settings, such as targetThroughput. On a 64-bit system, the default is between 2Gib-8Gib. It must be at least 1GiB and will be capped to SIZE_MAX of the system.
        memoryLimitBytes - Memory limit in bytes.
      • getMemoryLimitInBytes

        public long getMemoryLimitInBytes()
        Retrieves the memory limit set for the CRT client in bytes. If not set, this will return 0.
        long memory limit in bytes