Class HttpClientConnection

Represents an HTTP connection from a client to a server






  • Asynchronously establish a new HttpClientConnection.


    • bootstrap: undefined | ClientBootstrap

      Client bootstrap to use when initiating socket connection. Leave undefined to use the default system-wide bootstrap (recommended).

    • host_name: string

      Host to connect to

    • port: number

      Port to connect to on host

    • socket_options: SocketOptions

      Socket options

    • Optional tls_opts: TlsConnectionOptions

      Optional TLS connection options

    • Optional proxy_options: HttpProxyOptions

      Optional proxy options

    • Optional handle: any

    Returns HttpClientConnection


  • Create HttpClientStream to carry out the request/response exchange.

    NOTE: The stream sends no data until :meth:HttpClientStream.activate() is called. Call activate when you're ready for callbacks and events to fire.


    • request: HttpRequest

      The HttpRequest to attempt on this connection

    Returns HttpClientStream

    A new stream that will deliver events for the request

  • Close the connection. Shutdown is asynchronous. This call has no effect if the connection is already closing.

    Returns void

  • Forces all written events to be buffered in memory. The buffered data will be flushed when uncork is called.

    Returns void

  • Flushes all data buffered since cork was called.

    NOTE: It is HIGHLY recommended that uncorking should always be done via process.nextTick, not during the EventEmitter.on() call.

    Returns void

  • Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event key supplied in registration order. If the BufferedEventEmitter is currently corked, the event will be buffered until uncork is called.


    • event: EventKey

      The name of the event

    • Rest ...args: any[]

      Event payload

    Returns boolean


CONNECT: string = 'connect'

Emitted when the connection is connected and ready to start streams

ERROR: string = 'error'

Emitted when an error occurs on the connection

CLOSE: string = 'close'

Emitted when the connection has completed

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