Class MqttWill

A Will message is published by the server if a client is lost unexpectedly.

The Will message is stored on the server when a client connects. It is published if the client connection is lost without the server receiving a DISCONNECT packet.

[MQTT - 3.1.2 - 8]


  • MqttWill




  • Parameters

    • topic: string

      Topic to publish Will message on.

    • qos: QoS

      QoS used when publishing the Will message.

    • payload: Payload

      Content of Will message.

    • retain: boolean = false

      Whether the Will message is to be retained when it is published.

    Returns MqttWill


topic: string

Topic to publish Will message on.

qos: QoS

QoS used when publishing the Will message.

payload: Payload

Content of Will message.

retain: boolean = false

Whether the Will message is to be retained when it is published.

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