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Interface DiagramMakerConfig<NodeType, EdgeType>

Type parameters

  • NodeType

  • EdgeType


  • DiagramMakerConfig



actionInterceptor?: ActionInterceptor<NodeType, EdgeType>

Action interceptor. Before any action is dispatched to the store, you may intercept and modify it or cancel it entirely. Please keep in mind that in case you implement an interceptor, you're responsible for dispatching the action.


Logging an action const log = (action, dispatch, getState) => { console.log(action); dispatch(action); };

nodeTypeConfig?: {}

Node Type Configuration. Optional. Useful for specifying overrides for connector placement or visible connectors. Also, useful for providing for size for potential nodes being dragged using the same type. Is required when using boundary connector placement to provide shapes for different node types.

Type declaration

options?: { connectorPlacement?: ConnectorPlacementType; showArrowhead?: boolean }

Optional configuration for diagram maker

Type declaration

  • Optional connectorPlacement?: ConnectorPlacementType

    Connector placement. Determines how the edges are rendered. Also renders default connectors for some placement types. Defaults to CENTERED placement.

  • Optional showArrowhead?: boolean

    Show an arrowhead at the destination end of the edge. Defaults to false.

renderCallbacks: RenderCallbacks<NodeType, EdgeType>

Render Callbacks for rendering nodes, potential nodes, edges, panels, context menus, etc.

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