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Interface DateType

A node represented by a Date object.

Nodes of this type will be marshalled into DynamoDB Number types containing the epoch timestamp of the date for use with DyanmoDB's Time-to-Live feature.

Timezone information is not persisted.




Optional attributeName

attributeName: undefined | string

The key in which this value will be persisted in DynamoDB. If not provided, the key will be assumed to be the same in the input and in the persisted record.

Optional defaultProvider

defaultProvider: undefined | function

An optional default value factory. If a type has a defined defaultProvider and its value is undefined in the provided input, the defaultProvider will be called and its return value serialized.

Optional indexKeyConfigurations

indexKeyConfigurations: undefined | object

An array of key configurations as they apply to global and local secondary indices.

Optional keyType

keyType: KeyType

Key configuration as it pertains to the DynamoDB table.


type: "Date"