

How does Green Boost compare to Amplify?

  • Opinions: Green Boost is more opinionated than Amplify.
  • Clients: Green Boost supports web. Amplify supports web and mobile.
  • Languages/Frameworks: Green Boost only supports TypeScript and React. Amplify supports multiple languages and frontend frameworks.
  • Infrastructure: Green Boost uses the AWS CDK for infrastructure definition and deployment. Amplify uses CloudFormation templates for infrastructure definition (with second class support for CDK) and uses their own Amplify CLI for deployment.
  • UI Component Library: Green Boost uses Material UI. Amplify uses Amplify UI.
  • Hosting: Green Boost uses CDK constructs for transparent hosting. Amplify has proprietary hosting solution.
  • SLA: Green Boost is developed and maintained by AWS Professional Services consultants in between projects. Amplify is developer and maintained by a dedicated AWS Service team.