
Use Prometheus, Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, and Amazon Managed Grafana to monitor metrics with Kubeflow on AWS

This guide shows how to setup a Prometheus server, an AMP workspace, and an AMG workspace on top of Kubeflow on AWS. It also explains to validate the ingestion of data from Prometheus to AMP.

Why you should use Prometheus with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) and Amazon Managed Grafana (AMG)

Many Kubeflow users utilize Prometheus and Grafana to monitor and visualize their metrics. However it can be difficult to scale open source Prometheus and Grafana as the number of nodes to be monitored increases. AMP seeks to simplify this issue by allowing multiple Prometheus servers to aggregate their metrics in Amazon Managed Prometheus, and finally Amazon Managed Grafana allows customers to then view these aggregated metrics.


Download one of our deployment options by following the directions at:

Note: The steps below will assume you are sitting in the kubeflow-manifests directory.

Steps to Setup Prometheus and AMP

  1. Export cluster name and region as environment variables:
    1. Make sure to replace the following in the below commands:
      • <your-cluster-name>
      • <your-cluster-region>
    2. export CLUSTER_NAME=<your-cluster-name>
    3. export CLUSTER_REGION=<your-cluster-region>
  2. Create an IAM Policy:
    1. Make sure to replace the following in the below command:
      • <desired-amp-policy-name> - a policy name of your choosing
    2. export AMP_POLICY_NAME=<desired-amp-policy-name>
    3. export AMP_POLICY_ARN=$(aws iam create-policy --policy-name $AMP_POLICY_NAME --policy-document file://deployments/add-ons/prometheus/AMPIngestPermissionPolicy.json --query 'Policy.Arn' | tr -d '"')
  3. Create a Service Account:
    1. eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name amp-iamproxy-ingest-service-account --namespace monitoring --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --attach-policy-arn $AMP_POLICY_ARN --override-existing-serviceaccounts --approve --region $CLUSTER_REGION
  4. Create an AMP Workspace:
    1. Make sure to replace the following in the below command:
      • <desired-workspace-alias> - a workspace alias of your choosing
    2. export AMP_WORKSPACE_ALIAS=<desired-amp-workspace-alias>
    3. export AMP_WORKSPACE_ARN=$(aws amp create-workspace --region $CLUSTER_REGION --alias $AMP_WORKSPACE_ALIAS --query arn | tr -d '"')
    4. export AMP_WORKSPACE_REGION=$(echo $AMP_WORKSPACE_ARN | cut -d':' -f4)
    5. export AMP_WORKSPACE_ID=$(echo $AMP_WORKSPACE_ARN | cut -d':' -f6 | cut -d'/' -f2)
  5. Update deployments/add-ons/prometheus/params.env with your workspace id and region:
    1. cat > deployments/add-ons/prometheus/params.env <<EOF
  6. Run the kustomize build command to build your prometheus resources:
    1. kustomize build deployments/add-ons/prometheus | kubectl apply -f -

Steps to Verify Prometheus and AMP are Connected

  1. Make sure you have awscurl installed:
    1. pip3 install awscurl
  2. Start port-forwarding for the prometheus pod:
    1. Make sure to replace the following in the below command:
      • <desired-local-port> - a workspace alias of your choosing
    2. export LOCAL_PROMETHEUS_PORT=<desired-local-port>
    3. kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --namespace=monitoring | grep "prometheus-deployment" | cut -d' ' -f1) $LOCAL_PROMETHEUS_PORT:9090 --namespace=monitoring &
  3. Make sure your credentials are in ~/.aws/credentials:
    1. aws configure
  4. Run the below command to verify the KFP create experiment count metric is being correctly exported to AMP:
    1. (cd tests; python3 -c "
      import e2e.utils.prometheus.setup_prometheus_server as setup_prometheus_server
      setup_prometheus_server.local_prometheus_port = '$LOCAL_PROMETHEUS_PORT'
    2. If all is working, this should not trigger an assertion error.
  5. Get the PID and kill the port-forwarding process:
    1. export PORT_FORWARDING_PROCESS=$(lsof -i :$LOCAL_PROMETHEUS_PORT | sed -n 2p | cut -d' ' -f2)

Steps to Setup AMG

  1. Create an Amazon Managed Grafana Workspace.
  2. Add AMP as a data source.
  3. Create a dashboard to visualize metrics from your AMP data source.