Manifest Deployment Guide

Deploy the vanilla version of Kubeflow on AWS using Kustomize or Helm

Note: Helm installation option is still in preview.

This guide describes how to deploy Kubeflow on Amazon EKS. This vanilla version has minimal changes to the upstream Kubeflow manifests.


Be sure that you have satisfied the installation prerequisites before working through this guide. You need to:

(Optional) Configure Culling for Notebooks

Enable culling for notebooks by following the instructions in configure culling for notebooks guide.

Build Manifests and install Kubeflow

⚠️ Warning: We use a default email ( and password (12341234) for our guides. For any production Kubeflow deployment, you should change the default password by following the steps in Change default user password.

Install with a single command

Install all Kubeflow official components (residing under apps) and all common services (residing under common) using either Kustomize or Helm with a single command:

make deploy-kubeflow INSTALLATION_OPTION=kustomize DEPLOYMENT_OPTION=vanilla
make deploy-kubeflow INSTALLATION_OPTION=helm DEPLOYMENT_OPTION=vanilla

Connect to your Kubeflow cluster

After installation, it will take some time for all Pods to become ready. Make sure all Pods are ready before trying to connect, otherwise you might get unexpected errors. To check that all Kubeflow-related Pods are ready, use the following commands:

kubectl get pods -n cert-manager
kubectl get pods -n istio-system
kubectl get pods -n auth
kubectl get pods -n knative-eventing
kubectl get pods -n knative-serving
kubectl get pods -n kubeflow
kubectl get pods -n kubeflow-user-example-com

Connect to your Kubeflow Dashboard

You can now start experimenting and running your end-to-end ML workflows with Kubeflow on AWS!

For information on connecting to your Kubeflow dashboard depending on your deployment environment, see Connect to your Kubeflow Dashboard.

Uninstall Kubeflow on AWS

Uninstall Kubeflow on AWS with a single command.

Note: Make sure you have the correct INSTALLATION_OPTION and DEPLOYMENT_OPTION environment variables set for your chosen installation

make delete-kubeflow INSTALLATION_OPTION=kustomize DEPLOYMENT_OPTION=vanilla
make delete-kubeflow INSTALLATION_OPTION=helm DEPLOYMENT_OPTION=vanilla

Note: This will not delete your Amazon EKS cluster.

(Optional) Delete Amazon EKS cluster

If you created a dedicated Amazon EKS cluster for Kubeflow using eksctl, you can delete it with the following command:

eksctl delete cluster --region $CLUSTER_REGION --name $CLUSTER_NAME

For more detailed information on deletion options, see Deleting an Amazon EKS cluster.

Last modified September 1, 2023: v1.7.0-aws-b1.0.3 website changes (#791) (7faf1a5)