
Defines custom CloudFormation and external web and application tier resources. We recommend creating resources with native LZA features where possible.


  • CustomizationsConfig



  • Parameters

    • Optional values: {
          applications: undefined | ({ name: string; vpc: string; deploymentTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; excludedRegions: string[] | undefined; excludedAccounts: string[] | undefined; }; ... 4 more ...; applicationLoadBalancer: { ...; } | undefined; })[];
          customizations: undefined | ({ cloudFormationStacks: { deploymentTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; excludedRegions: string[] | undefined; excludedAccounts: string[] | undefined; }; ... 6 more ...; terminationProtection: boolean; }[] | undefined; cloudFormationStackSets: { ...; }[] | undefined;...);
          firewalls: undefined | ({ autoscalingGroups: { name: string; autoscaling: { name: string; minSize: number; maxSize: number; desiredSize: number; launchTemplate: string; healthCheckGracePeriod: number | undefined; healthCheckType: "EC2" | ... 1 more ... | undefined; targetGroups: string[] | undefined; subnets: string[]; }; ... 7 more ...; t...);
      • applications: undefined | ({ name: string; vpc: string; deploymentTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; excludedRegions: string[] | undefined; excludedAccounts: string[] | undefined; }; ... 4 more ...; applicationLoadBalancer: { ...; } | undefined; })[]
      • customizations: undefined | ({ cloudFormationStacks: { deploymentTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; excludedRegions: string[] | undefined; excludedAccounts: string[] | undefined; }; ... 6 more ...; terminationProtection: boolean; }[] | undefined; cloudFormationStackSets: { ...; }[] | undefined;...)
      • firewalls: undefined | ({ autoscalingGroups: { name: string; autoscaling: { name: string; minSize: number; maxSize: number; desiredSize: number; launchTemplate: string; healthCheckGracePeriod: number | undefined; healthCheckType: "EC2" | ... 1 more ... | undefined; targetGroups: string[] | undefined; subnets: string[]; }; ... 7 more ...; t...)

    Returns CustomizationsConfig


applications: AppConfigItem[] = []
customizations: CustomizationConfig = ...
firewalls: undefined | Ec2FirewallConfig = undefined
FILENAME: "customizations-config.yaml" = 'customizations-config.yaml'


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