Network Firewall rule variable configuration.
Use this configuration to define rule variable definitions for Network Firewall.
Rule variables can be used in Suricata-compatible and domain list rule definitions.
They are not supported in stateful rule IP header definitions.
CURRENT SYNTAX: use the following syntax when defining new rule variables in v1.3.1 and newer.
The additional example underneath is provided for backward compatibility.
NetworkConfig / CentralNetworkServicesConfig / NfwConfig / NfwRuleGroupConfig / NfwRuleGroupRuleConfig / NfwRuleVariableConfig
Network Firewall rule variable configuration. Use this configuration to define rule variable definitions for Network Firewall. Rule variables can be used in Suricata-compatible and domain list rule definitions. They are not supported in stateful rule IP header definitions.
CURRENT SYNTAX: use the following syntax when defining new rule variables in v1.3.1 and newer. The additional example underneath is provided for backward compatibility.
THE BELOW EXAMPLE SYNTAX IS DEPRECATED: use the above syntax when defining new or more than one rule variable