description(OPTIONAL) A description for the security group.
inboundAn array of security group rule configurations for ingress rules.
NOTE: Changing values under this configuration object after initial deployment may cause some interruptions to network traffic while the security group is being updated.
nameThe friendly name of the security group.
CAUTION: Changing this value after initial deployment will cause the security group to be recreated. Please be aware that any downstream dependencies may cause this property update to fail.
outboundAn array of security group rule configurations for egress rules.
NOTE: Changing values under this configuration object after initial deployment may cause some interruptions to network traffic while the security group is being updated.
tags(OPTIONAL) An array of tag objects for the security group.
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NetworkConfig / VpcConfig | VpcTemplatesConfig / SecurityGroupConfig
Security group configuration. Use this configuration to define security groups in your VPC. A security group acts as a firewall that controls the traffic allowed to and from the resources in your VPC. You can choose the ports and protocols to allow for inbound and outbound traffic.
The following example creates a security group that allows inbound RDP and SSH traffic from source CIDR It also allows all outbound traffic.