Initialized BucketPolicyProps properties


  • BucketPolicyProps


applyAcceleratorManagedPolicy: boolean

Flag indicating is accelerator generated polices should be applied to imported bucket

awsPrincipalAccesses?: AwsPrincipalAccessesType[]

The name of the bucket which will be validated

bucket: IBucket

The name of the bucket which will be validated

bucketPolicyFilePaths: string[]

JSON document bucket policy file paths.

bucketType: AcceleratorImportedBucketType

Type of the bucket

customResourceLambdaCloudWatchLogKmsKey?: IKey

Custom resource lambda log group encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

customResourceLambdaEnvironmentEncryptionKmsKey?: IKey

Custom resource lambda environment encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

customResourceLambdaLogRetentionInDays: number

Custom resource lambda log retention in days

elbAccountId?: string

ELB account Id

firewallRoles?: string[]

Accelerator Prefix Firewall Roles

organizationId?: string

Organization Id

principalOrgIdCondition?: PrincipalOrgIdConditionType

The name of the bucket which will be validated

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