Construction properties for CloudWatch to S3 replication for Kinesis Stream.


  • CloudWatchToS3FirehoseProps


acceleratorPrefix: string

Accelerator Prefix defaults to 'AWSAccelerator'.

bucket?: IBucket

Source bucket object is must when source bucket name wasn't provided This bucket will have all the CloudWatch Logs

bucketName?: string

Source bucket name is must when source bucket object wasn't provided This bucket will have all the CloudWatch Logs

configDir: string

Config directory path

dynamicPartitioningValue?: string

Dynamic partitioning as JSON string array to partition records in firehose

firehoseKmsKey: IKey

KMS key to encrypt the Firehose

firehoseRecordsProcessorFunctionName: string

Firehose preprocessor function name

homeRegion: string

Home region where the log archive bucket is located.

kinesisKmsKey: IKey

KMS key to encrypt the Lambda

kinesisStream: IStream

Kinesis Stream which will trigger Firehose

lambdaKey?: IKey

KMS key to encrypt the Lambda, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

logsKmsKey?: IKey

KMS key to encrypt the CloudWatch log group, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

logsRetentionInDaysValue: string

CloudWatch Logs Retention in days from global config

useExistingRoles: boolean

Use existing IAM roles for deployment.

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