
  • IpamSubnetProps


availabilityZone?: string

The availability zone (AZ) of the subnet

availabilityZoneId?: string

The Physical Availability Zone ID the subnet is located in


basePool: string[]

The base IPAM pool CIDR range the subnet is assigned to

ipamAllocation: IpamAllocationConfig

The IPAM allocation configuration

kmsKey?: IKey

Custom resource lambda log group encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

logRetentionInDays: number

Custom resource lambda log retention in days

mapPublicIpOnLaunch?: boolean

Auto-create public IP addresses on EC2 instance launch

name: string

The friendly name of the subnet

outpostArn?: string

The outpost arn for the subnet

tags?: CfnTag[]

An array of tags for the subnet

vpcId: string

The VPC ID the subnet will be created in

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