Initialized LzaCustomResourceProps properties


  • LzaCustomResourceProps


lambda?: {
    assetPath: string;
    cloudWatchLogKmsKey?: IKey;
    cloudWatchLogRemovalPolicy?: RemovalPolicy;
    cloudWatchLogRetentionInDays: number;
    description?: string;
    environmentEncryptionKmsKey?: IKey;
    environmentVariables?: {
        [key: string]: any;
    handler?: string;
    memorySize?: number;
    role?: Role | IRole;
    roleInitialPolicy?: PolicyStatement[];
    timeOut?: Duration;

Custom resource lambda properties

Type declaration

  • Readonly assetPath: string

    LZA Custom resource lambda asset folder path including the /dist folder

  • Optional Readonly cloudWatchLogKmsKey?: IKey

    Custom resource lambda log group encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

  • Optional Readonly cloudWatchLogRemovalPolicy?: RemovalPolicy

    Determine the removal policy of CloudWatch log group for the lambda.



  • Readonly cloudWatchLogRetentionInDays: number

    Custom resource lambda cloudwatch log retention in days

  • Optional Readonly description?: string

    A description of the custom resource lambda function.

  • Optional Readonly environmentEncryptionKmsKey?: IKey

    Custom resource lambda environment encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

  • Optional Readonly environmentVariables?: {
        [key: string]: any;

    A name value object list for lambda environment variables


    [{ solution: 'accelerator', author: 'tsd' }]
  • Optional Readonly handler?: string

    The name of the method within lambda code that custom resource lambda calls to execute the function. The format includes the file name.



  • Optional Readonly memorySize?: number

    The amount of memory, in MB, that is allocated to custom resource Lambda function. Lambda uses this value to proportionally allocate the amount of CPU power.



  • Optional Readonly role?: Role | IRole

    Custom resource lambda execution role. This is the role that will be assumed by the function upon execution.


    A unique role will be generated for this lambda function.

  • Optional Readonly roleInitialPolicy?: PolicyStatement[]

    Initial policy statements to add to the created custom resource Lambda Role.

  • Optional Readonly timeOut?: Duration

    Custom resource lambda function execution time (in seconds) after which Lambda terminates the function.


    3 seconds

nagSuppressionPrefix?: string

Prefix for nag suppression

resource: {
    debug?: boolean;
    forceUpdate?: boolean;
    name: string;
    onEventHandler?: IFunction;
    parentId: string;
    properties?: {
        [key: string]: any;

Custom resource properties

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly debug?: boolean

    Debug flag used in custom resource lambda function to output debug logs



  • Optional Readonly forceUpdate?: boolean

    Generates a new UUID to force the resource to update

  • Readonly name: string

    Logical name for the custom resource

  • Optional Readonly onEventHandler?: IFunction

    The AWS Lambda function to invoke for all resource lifecycle operations (CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE).




    This function is responsible to begin the requested resource operation (CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE). When no value provided construct will create lambda function for the custom resource.

  • Readonly parentId: string

    Logical Id for the implementor construct

  • Optional Readonly properties?: {
        [key: string]: any;

    A name value object list for custom resource properties


    [{ solution: 'accelerator', author: 'tsd' }]

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