
  • TransitGatewayAttachmentLookupOptions


crossAccountVpnOptions?: {
    owningAccountId?: string;
    owningRegion?: string;
    roleName?: string;

Cross-account lookup options


These options should only be used for cross-account VPN attachment lookups. Currently the only use case is for dynamic EC2 firewall VPN connections

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly owningAccountId?: string

    Owning account ID of the VPN attachment

  • Optional Readonly owningRegion?: string

    Owning region of the VPN attachment

  • Optional Readonly roleName?: string

    Role name to assume

kmsKey?: IKey

Custom resource lambda log group encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

logRetentionInDays: number

Custom resource lambda log retention in days

name: string
owningAccountId: string
roleName?: string
transitGatewayId: string

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