
  • TransitGatewayPeeringProps


accepter: {
    accountAccessRoleName: string;
    accountId: string;
    applyTags: boolean;
    autoAccept: boolean;
    region: string;
    transitGatewayId: string;
    transitGatewayName: string;
    transitGatewayRouteTableId: string;

Peering accepter properties

Type declaration

  • Readonly accountAccessRoleName: string

    Accepter account access role name. Custom resource will assume this role to approve peering request

  • Readonly accountId: string

    Accepter transit gateway account id

  • Readonly applyTags: boolean

    Peering request apply tags flag. Tags provided are applies to requester attachment only. When this flag is on, similar tags will be applied to peer or accepter attachment also. In peer or accepter attachment existing tags can't be changed, only given tags will be added or modified.

  • Readonly autoAccept: boolean

    Peering request auto accept flag.

  • Readonly region: string

    Accepter transit gateway region name

  • Readonly transitGatewayId: string

    Accepter transit gateway ID

  • Readonly transitGatewayName: string

    Accepter transit gateway name

  • Readonly transitGatewayRouteTableId: string

    Accepter transit gateway region route table name. Peering attachment will be associated to this route table

customLambdaLogKmsKey?: IKey

Custom resource lambda log group encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

logRetentionInDays: number

Custom resource lambda log retention in days

requester: {
    accountName: string;
    tags?: CfnTag[];
    transitGatewayId: string;
    transitGatewayName: string;
    transitGatewayRouteTableId: string;

Peering requester properties

Type declaration

  • Readonly accountName: string

    Requester Account name.

  • Optional Readonly tags?: CfnTag[]

    The tags for the transit gateway peering attachment, applied to requester attachment only.

  • Readonly transitGatewayId: string

    Requester Transit Gateway ID.

  • Readonly transitGatewayName: string

    Requester Transit Gateway Name.

  • Readonly transitGatewayRouteTableId: string

    Requester Transit Gateway route table id. Peering attachment will be associated to this route table

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