
  • TransitGatewayProps


amazonSideAsn?: number

A private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the Amazon side of a BGP session. The range is 64512 to 65534 for 16-bit ASNs. The default is 64512.

autoAcceptSharedAttachments?: string

Enable or disable automatic acceptance of attachment requests. Disabled by default.

defaultRouteTableAssociation?: string

Enable or disable automatic association with the default association route table. Enabled by default.

defaultRouteTablePropagation?: string

Enable or disable automatic propagation of routes to the default propagation route table. Enabled by default.

description?: string

The description of the transit gateway.

dnsSupport?: string

Enable or disable DNS support. Enabled by default.

multicastSupport?: string

Indicates whether multicast is enabled on the transit gateway

name: string

The name of the transit gateway. Will be assigned to the Name tag

tags?: CfnTag[]

Tags that will be attached to the transit gateway

vpnEcmpSupport?: string

Enable or disable Equal Cost Multipath Protocol support. Enabled by default.

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