
  • VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications


dpdTimeoutAction?: string

DPD timeout action

dpdTimeoutSeconds?: number

DPD timeout in seconds

ikeVersions?: number[]

IKE versions

logging?: {
    enable?: boolean;
    logGroupArn?: string;
    outputFormat?: string;

VPN tunnel logging

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly enable?: boolean
  • Optional Readonly logGroupArn?: string
  • Optional Readonly outputFormat?: string
phase1?: {
    dhGroups?: number[];
    encryptionAlgorithms?: string[];
    integrityAlgorithms?: string[];
    lifetimeSeconds?: number;

Phase 1 config

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly dhGroups?: number[]
  • Optional Readonly encryptionAlgorithms?: string[]
  • Optional Readonly integrityAlgorithms?: string[]
  • Optional Readonly lifetimeSeconds?: number
phase2?: {
    dhGroups?: number[];
    encryptionAlgorithms?: string[];
    integrityAlgorithms?: string[];
    lifetimeSeconds?: number;

Phase 2 config

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly dhGroups?: number[]
  • Optional Readonly encryptionAlgorithms?: string[]
  • Optional Readonly integrityAlgorithms?: string[]
  • Optional Readonly lifetimeSeconds?: number
preSharedKey?: string

A Secrets Manager secret name

rekeyFuzzPercentage?: number

IKE rekey fuzz percentage

rekeyMarginTimeSeconds?: number

IKE rekey margin time in seconds

replayWindowSize?: number

IKE replay window size

startupAction?: string

The startup action for the VPN connection

tunnelInsideCidr?: string

An IP address that is a size /30 CIDR block from the

tunnelLifecycleControl?: boolean

Enable tunnel lifecycle control

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