S3 bucket life cycle rules object.


- enabled: true
id: ElbLifecycle-01
abortIncompleteMultipartUpload: 14
expiration: 3563
expiredObjectDeleteMarker: false
noncurrentVersionExpiration: 3653
- storageClass: GLACIER
transitionAfter: 365
- storageClass: GLACIER
transitionAfter: 365
prefix: PREFIX
- enabled: true
id: ElbLifecycle-02
abortIncompleteMultipartUpload: 14
expiredObjectDeleteMarker: true
noncurrentVersionExpiration: 3653
- storageClass: GLACIER
transitionAfter: 365
- storageClass: GLACIER
transitionAfter: 365
prefix: PREFIX


  • LifeCycleRule




abortIncompleteMultipartUpload: number = 1

Specifies a lifecycle rule that aborts incomplete multipart uploads to an Amazon S3 bucket.

enabled: boolean = true

Whether this rule is enabled.

expiration: undefined | number = undefined

Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are deleted from Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier.

expiredObjectDeleteMarker: boolean = false

Indicates whether Amazon S3 will remove a delete marker with no noncurrent versions. If set to true, the delete marker will be expired.

id: string = ''

Friendly name for the rule. Rule name must be unique.

noncurrentVersionExpiration: number = 366

Time between when a new version of the object is uploaded to the bucket and when old versions of the object expire.

noncurrentVersionTransitions: {
    storageClass: "STANDARD_IA" | "ONEZONE_IA" | "INTELLIGENT_TIERING" | "GLACIER" | "DEEP_ARCHIVE" | "GLACIER_IR" | "Value should be an AWS S3 Storage Class.";
    transitionAfter: number;
}[] = []

One or more transition rules that specify when non-current objects transition to a specified storage class.

prefix: undefined | string = undefined

Object key prefix that identifies one or more objects to which this rule applies.


  • Rule applies to all objects
transitions: {
    storageClass: "STANDARD_IA" | "ONEZONE_IA" | "INTELLIGENT_TIERING" | "GLACIER" | "DEEP_ARCHIVE" | "GLACIER_IR" | "Value should be an AWS S3 Storage Class.";
    transitionAfter: number;
}[] = []

One or more transition rules that specify when an object transitions to a specified storage class.

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