SecurityConfig / CloudWatchConfig / MetricSetConfig / MetricConfig

AWS CloudWatch Metric configuration


- filterName: MetricFilter
logGroupName: aws-controltower/CloudTrailLogs
filterPattern: '{$.userIdentity.type="Root" && $.userIdentity.invokedBy NOT EXISTS && $.eventType !="AwsServiceEvent"}'
metricNamespace: LogMetrics
metricName: RootAccountUsage
metricValue: "1"
treatMissingData: notBreaching


  • MetricConfig




filterName: string = ''

Metric filter name

filterPattern: string = ''

Pattern to search for log events.

logGroupName: string = ''

The log group to create the filter on.

metricName: string = ''

The name of the metric to emit.

metricNamespace: string = ''

The namespace of the metric to emit.

metricValue: string = ''

The value to emit for the metric.

Can either be a literal number (typically “1”), or the name of a field in the structure to take the value from the matched event. If you are using a field value, the field value must have been matched using the pattern.


Note: If you want to specify a field from a matched JSON structure, use '$.fieldName', and make sure the field is in the pattern (if only as '$.fieldName = *'). If you want to specify a field from a matched space-delimited structure, use '$fieldName'.

treatMissingData: undefined | string = undefined

Sets how this alarm is to handle missing data points.

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