Accelerator replacements configuration


  • ReplacementsConfig



  • Parameters

    • Optional values: {
          globalReplacements: undefined | (({ key: string; path: string; }) | ({ key: string; path: string | undefined; type: "String" | "SSM" | "StringList"; value: string | string[] | undefined; }))[];
      • globalReplacements: undefined | (({ key: string; path: string; }) | ({ key: string; path: string | undefined; type: "String" | "SSM" | "StringList"; value: string | string[] | undefined; }))[]
    • Optional accountsConfig: AccountsConfig
    • validateOnly: boolean = false

    Returns ReplacementsConfig


accountsConfig: undefined | AccountsConfig = undefined

The set of placeholder parameters (key/path pairs) that will be merged with yaml configuration files.

placeholders: {
    [key: string]: string | string[];
} = {}

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string | string[]
validateOnly: boolean = false
FILENAME: "replacements-config.yaml" = 'replacements-config.yaml'

Replacements configuration file name, this file must be present in accelerator config repository


The prefix that needs to be appended in the parameters used in policy files.

For example, ${POLICY_PARAMETER_PREFIX}:ALLOWED_CORPORATE_CIDRS should be used in policy file if ALLOWED_CORPORATE_CIDRS is defined in replacement-config.yaml


  • Loads replacement values by utilizing the systems manager client


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • initialBuffer: string

    Returns string

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