
  • BudgetDefinitionProps


amount: number

The total amount of costs, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage that you want to track with your budget.

includeCredit: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes credits.

includeDiscount: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes discounts.

includeOtherSubscription: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes non-RI subscription costs.

includeRecurring: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes recurring fees such as monthly RI fees.

includeRefund: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes refunds.

includeSubscription: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes subscriptions.

includeSupport: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes support subscription fees.

includeTax: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes taxes.

includeUpfront: boolean

Specifies whether a budget includes upfront RI costs.

kmsKey?: IKey

Custom resource lambda log group encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

logRetentionInDays: number

Custom resource lambda log retention in days

name: string

The name of the budget.

notifications?: NotificationConfig[]

List of notifications.

timeUnit: string

The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend.

type: string

Specifies whether this budget tracks costs, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage.

unit: string

The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP.

useAmortized: boolean

Specifies whether a budget uses the amortized rate.

useBlended: boolean

Specifies whether a budget uses a blended rate.

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