Detect Resource Policy This construct creates a Lambda function which is triggered by AWS Config Rule and detect if a resource policy is compliant to the resource policy template by comparing statements in resource policy.


  • DetectResourcePolicyProps


acceleratorPrefix: string

Prefix for accelerator resources

configDirPath: string

Configuration directory path

homeRegion: string

Accelerator home region

inputParameters?: {
    [key: string]: string;

Input parameters as lambda environment variable

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string
kmsKeyCloudWatch?: IKey

Lambda log group encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

kmsKeyLambda?: IKey

Lambda environment variable encryption key, when undefined default AWS managed key will be used

logRetentionInDays: number

Lambda log retention in days

rbpFilePaths: {
    name: string;
    path: string;
    tempPath: string;

Resource base policy File Paths

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