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  • PrefixListRouteProps



carrierGatewayId?: string

The ID of a carrier gateway

destinationPrefixListId: string

The destination prefix list ID of the route

egressOnlyInternetGatewayId?: string

The ID of an egress-only Internet gateway

gatewayId?: string

The ID of an Internet Gateway or Virtual Private Gateway

instanceId?: string

The ID of an instance

localGatewayId?: string

The ID of a local gateway

logGroupKmsKey: Key

Custom resource lambda log group encryption key

logRetentionInDays: number

Custom resource lambda log retention in days

natGatewayId?: string

The ID of a NAT gateway

networkInterfaceId?: string

The ID of a network interface

routeTableId: string

The ID of the route table for the route

transitGatewayId?: string

The ID of a transit gateway

vpcEndpointId?: string

The ID of a VPC endpoint

vpcPeeringConnectionId?: string

The ID of a VPC peering connection

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