Network Configuration. Used to define a network configuration for the accelerator.


  • NetworkConfig



  • Parameters

    • Optional values: {
          centralNetworkServices: undefined | ({ delegatedAdminAccount: string; gatewayLoadBalancers: { name: string; endpoints: { name: string; account: string; subnet: string; vpc: string; }[]; subnets: string[]; vpc: string; crossZoneLoadBalancing: boolean | undefined; deletionProtection: boolean | undefined; targetGroup: string | undefined; tags: { ...; }[] ...);
          certificates: undefined | ({ name: string; type: "request" | "import"; privKey: string | undefined; cert: string | undefined; chain: string | undefined; validation: "EMAIL" | "DNS" | undefined; domain: string | undefined; san: string[] | undefined; deploymentTargets: { ...; }; })[];
          customerGateways: undefined | ({ name: string; account: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | ... 25 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ipAddress: string; asn: number; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; vpnConnections: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
          defaultVpc: { delete: boolean; excludeAccounts: string[] | undefined; excludeRegions: ("af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | ... 27 more ... | "ap-southeast-4")[] | undefined; };
          dhcpOptions: undefined | ({ name: string; accounts: string[]; regions: ("af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | ... 25 more ... | "ap-southeast-4")[]; ... 5 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
          directConnectGateways: undefined | ({ name: string; account: string; asn: number; gatewayName: string; virtualInterfaces: { name: string; connectionId: string; customerAsn: number; interfaceName: string; ownerAccount: string; region: "af-south-1" | ... 32 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ... 7 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; }[] | undefined; trans...)[];
          elbAccountIds: undefined | ({ region: string; accountId: string; })[];
          endpointPolicies: ({ name: string; document: string; })[];
          firewallManagerService: undefined | ({ delegatedAdminAccount: string; notificationChannels: { snsTopic: string; region: string; }[] | undefined; });
          prefixLists: undefined | ({ name: string; accounts: string[] | undefined; regions: ("af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | ... 26 more ... | "ap-southeast-4")[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
          transitGatewayPeering: undefined | ({ name: string; requester: { transitGatewayName: string; account: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | ... 27 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; routeTableAssociations: string; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; }; accepter: { ...; }; })[];
          transitGateways: ({ name: string; account: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | ... 25 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ... 8 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
          vpcFlowLogs: undefined | ({ trafficType: "ALL" | "ACCEPT" | "REJECT"; maxAggregationInterval: number; destinations: ("s3" | "cloud-watch-logs")[]; destinationsConfig: { s3: { lifecycleRules: { abortIncompleteMultipartUpload: number | undefined; ... 7 more ...; prefix: string | undefined; }[] | undefined; overrideS3LogPath: string | undefined...);
          vpcPeering: undefined | ({ name: string; vpcs: string[]; tags: { key: string; value: string; }[] | undefined; })[];
          vpcTemplates: undefined | ({ name: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | "ap-northeast-3" | ... 24 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ... 25 more ...; targetGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
          vpcs: ({ name: string; account: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | ... 25 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ... 25 more ...; targetGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
      • centralNetworkServices: undefined | ({ delegatedAdminAccount: string; gatewayLoadBalancers: { name: string; endpoints: { name: string; account: string; subnet: string; vpc: string; }[]; subnets: string[]; vpc: string; crossZoneLoadBalancing: boolean | undefined; deletionProtection: boolean | undefined; targetGroup: string | undefined; tags: { ...; }[] ...)
      • certificates: undefined | ({ name: string; type: "request" | "import"; privKey: string | undefined; cert: string | undefined; chain: string | undefined; validation: "EMAIL" | "DNS" | undefined; domain: string | undefined; san: string[] | undefined; deploymentTargets: { ...; }; })[]
      • customerGateways: undefined | ({ name: string; account: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | ... 25 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ipAddress: string; asn: number; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; vpnConnections: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • defaultVpc: { delete: boolean; excludeAccounts: string[] | undefined; excludeRegions: ("af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | ... 27 more ... | "ap-southeast-4")[] | undefined; }
      • dhcpOptions: undefined | ({ name: string; accounts: string[]; regions: ("af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | ... 25 more ... | "ap-southeast-4")[]; ... 5 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • directConnectGateways: undefined | ({ name: string; account: string; asn: number; gatewayName: string; virtualInterfaces: { name: string; connectionId: string; customerAsn: number; interfaceName: string; ownerAccount: string; region: "af-south-1" | ... 32 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ... 7 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; }[] | undefined; trans...)[]
      • elbAccountIds: undefined | ({ region: string; accountId: string; })[]
      • endpointPolicies: ({ name: string; document: string; })[]
      • firewallManagerService: undefined | ({ delegatedAdminAccount: string; notificationChannels: { snsTopic: string; region: string; }[] | undefined; })
      • prefixLists: undefined | ({ name: string; accounts: string[] | undefined; regions: ("af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | ... 26 more ... | "ap-southeast-4")[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • transitGatewayPeering: undefined | ({ name: string; requester: { transitGatewayName: string; account: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | ... 27 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; routeTableAssociations: string; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; }; accepter: { ...; }; })[]
      • transitGateways: ({ name: string; account: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | ... 25 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ... 8 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • vpcFlowLogs: undefined | ({ trafficType: "ALL" | "ACCEPT" | "REJECT"; maxAggregationInterval: number; destinations: ("s3" | "cloud-watch-logs")[]; destinationsConfig: { s3: { lifecycleRules: { abortIncompleteMultipartUpload: number | undefined; ... 7 more ...; prefix: string | undefined; }[] | undefined; overrideS3LogPath: string | undefined...)
      • vpcPeering: undefined | ({ name: string; vpcs: string[]; tags: { key: string; value: string; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • vpcTemplates: undefined | ({ name: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | "ap-northeast-3" | ... 24 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ... 25 more ...; targetGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • vpcs: ({ name: string; account: string; region: "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ap-northeast-2" | ... 25 more ... | "ap-southeast-4"; ... 25 more ...; targetGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]

    Returns NetworkConfig


centralNetworkServices: undefined | CentralNetworkServicesConfig = undefined

An optional Central Network services configuration.



certificates: undefined | CertificateConfig[] = undefined

Certificate manager configuration

customerGateways: undefined | CustomerGatewayConfig[] = undefined

An array of Customer Gateway configurations.



defaultVpc: DefaultVpcsConfig = ...

A default VPC configuration.



dhcpOptions: undefined | DhcpOptsConfig[] = undefined

An optional list of DHCP options set configurations.



directConnectGateways: undefined | DxGatewayConfig[] = undefined

An optional array of Direct Connect Gateway configurations.


- name: Accelerator-DXGW
account: Network
asn: 64512
virtualInterfaces: []
transitGatewayAssociations: []



elbAccountIds: undefined | ElbAccountIdsConfig[] = undefined

An optional ELB root account ID

endpointPolicies: EndpointPolicyConfig[] = []

A list of VPC configurations. An array of VPC endpoint policies.



firewallManagerService: undefined | FirewallManagerConfig = undefined

Firewall manager service configuration

prefixLists: undefined | PrefixListConfig[] = undefined

An optional list of prefix list set configurations.

transitGatewayPeering: undefined | TransitGatewayPeeringConfig[] = undefined

Transit Gateway peering configuration.



transitGateways: TransitGatewayConfig[] = []

An array of Transit Gateway configurations.



vpcFlowLogs: undefined | VpcFlowLogsConfig = undefined

A VPC flow logs configuration.



vpcPeering: undefined | VpcPeeringConfig[] = undefined

An optional list of VPC peering configurations



vpcTemplates: undefined | VpcTemplatesConfig[] = undefined

An optional list of VPC template configurations



vpcs: VpcConfig[] = []

An array of VPC configurations.



FILENAME: "network-config.yaml" = 'network-config.yaml'

The name of the network configuration file.


  • Function to get list of account names which will be used as account principal for TGE peering role



    • accepterAccountName: string

    Returns string[]

  • Load from string content


    • content: string

    Returns undefined | NetworkConfig

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