List of accounts where the exclusion will be applied to
Readonly excludeAll
excludeAll:undefined | boolean = undefined
Exclude replication on all logs. By default this is set to true.
If undefined, this is set to true. When set to false, it disables replication on entire OU or account for that region. Setting OU as Root with no region specified and making this false will fail validation since that usage is redundant. Instead use the enable parameter in cloudwatch log config which will disable replication across all accounts in all regions.
Readonly logGroupNames
logGroupNames:undefined | string[] = undefined
List of log groups names where the exclusion will be applied to
Wild cards are supported. These log group names are added in the eventbridge payload which triggers lambda. If excludeAll is used then all logGroups are excluded and this parameter is not used.
GlobalConfig / LoggingConfig / CloudWatchLogsConfig/ CloudWatchLogsExclusionConfig
Accelerator global CloudWatch Logs exclusion configuration