CustomizationsConfig / Ec2FirewallConfig / Ec2FirewallAutoScalingGroupConfig
EC2 firewall autoscaling group configuration. Used to define EC2-based firewall instances to be deployed in an autoscaling group.
- name: accelerator-firewall-asg autoscaling: name: firewall-asg maxSize: 4 minSize: 1 desiredSize: 2 launchTemplate: firewall-lt healthCheckGracePeriod: 300 healthCheckType: ELB targetGroups: - firewall-gwlb-tg subnets: - firewall-subnet-a - firewall-subnet-b launchTemplate: name: firewall-lt blockDeviceMappings: - deviceName: /dev/xvda ebs: deleteOnTermination: true encrypted: true volumeSize: 20 enforceImdsv2: true iamInstanceProfile: firewall-profile imageId: ami-123xyz instanceType: c6i.xlarge networkInterfaces: - deleteOnTermination: true description: Primary interface deviceIndex: 0 groups: - firewall-data-sg - deleteOnTermination: true description: Management interface deviceIndex: 1 groups: - firewall-mgmt-sg userData: path/to/userdata.txt vpc: Network-Inspection tags: []
An AutoScaling Group configuration
The launch template for the firewall instance
The friendly name of the firewall instance
An optional array of tags
The friendly name of the VPC to deploy the firewall instance to
This VPC must contain the subnet(s) defined for the network interfaces under the launchTemplate property
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CustomizationsConfig / Ec2FirewallConfig / Ec2FirewallAutoScalingGroupConfig
EC2 firewall autoscaling group configuration. Used to define EC2-based firewall instances to be deployed in an autoscaling group.