Group set configuration
To configure IAM group named Administrators into Root and Infrastructure organizational units, you need to provide following values for this parameter.
Identity Center configuration
To configure Identity Center, you need to provide following values for this parameter.
Managed active directory configuration
To configure AWS Microsoft managed active directory of enterprise edition, along with LZA provisioned EC2 instance to pre configure directory users. group, you need to provide following values for this parameter.
Policy set configuration.
To configure IAM policy named Default-Boundary-Policy with permission boundary defined in iam-policies/boundary-policy.json file, you need to provide following values for this parameter.
SAML provider configuration To configure SAML configuration, you need to provide the following values for this parameter. Replace provider name and metadata document file. Document file must be in config repository
Role sets configuration
To configure EC2-Default-SSM-AD-Role role to be assumed by ec2 service into Root and Infrastructure organizational units, you need to provide following values for this parameter. This role will have AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore, AmazonSSMDirectoryServiceAccess and CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy policy with permission boundary defined by Default-Boundary-Policy
User set configuration
To configure breakGlassUser01 user into Administrators in Management account, you need to provide following values for this parameter.
A name for the iam config file in config repository
Load from config file content
Load from string content
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IAM configuration