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Set attributes for target group.



deregistrationDelay: 1200
stickiness: true
# applies to application load balancer
stickinessType: app_cookie
algorithm: round_robin
slowStart: 120
appCookieName: chocolate-chip
appCookieDuration: 4800
lbCookieDuration: 4800
# applies to network load balancer
connectionTermination: true
preserveClientIp: true
proxyProtocolV2: true
# applies to Gateway Load Balancer
targetFailover: rebalance


  • TargetGroupAttributeConfig





algorithm: undefined | "round_robin" | "least_outstanding_requests" = undefined

The load balancing algorithm determines how the load balancer selects targets when routing requests. The value is round_robin or least_outstanding_requests. The default is round_robin. The following attribute is supported only if the load balancer is an Application Load Balancer and the target is an instance or an IP address.

appCookieDuration: undefined | number = undefined

The time period, in seconds, during which requests from a client should be routed to the same target. After this time period expires, the application-based cookie is considered stale. The range is 1 second to 1 week (604800 seconds). The default value is 1 day (86400 seconds). The following attribute is supported only if the load balancer is an Application Load Balancer and the target is an instance or an IP address.

appCookieName: undefined | string = undefined

Indicates the name of the application-based cookie. Names that start with the following prefixes are not allowed: AWSALB, AWSALBAPP, and AWSALBTG; they're reserved for use by the load balancer. The following attribute is supported only if the load balancer is an Application Load Balancer and the target is an instance or an IP address.

connectionTermination: undefined | boolean = undefined

Indicates whether the load balancer terminates connections at the end of the deregistration timeout. The value is true or false. The default is false. The following attribute is supported only by Network Load Balancers.

deregistrationDelay: undefined | number = undefined

The amount of time, in seconds, for Elastic Load Balancing to wait before changing the state of a deregistering target from draining to unused. The range is 0-3600 seconds. The default value is 300 seconds.

lbCookieDuration: undefined | number = undefined

The time period, in seconds, during which requests from a client should be routed to the same target. After this time period expires, the load balancer-generated cookie is considered stale. The range is 1 second to 1 week (604800 seconds). The default value is 1 day (86400 seconds). The following attribute is supported only if the load balancer is an Application Load Balancer and the target is an instance or an IP address.

preserveClientIp: undefined | boolean = undefined

Indicates whether client IP preservation is enabled. The value is true or false. The default is disabled if the target group type is IP address and the target group protocol is TCP or TLS. Otherwise, the default is enabled. Client IP preservation cannot be disabled for UDP and TCP_UDP target groups. The following attribute is supported only by Network Load Balancers.

proxyProtocolV2: undefined | boolean = undefined

Indicates whether Proxy Protocol version 2 is enabled. The value is true or false. The default is false. The following attribute is supported only by Network Load Balancers.

slowStart: undefined | number = undefined

The time period, in seconds, during which a newly registered target receives an increasing share of the traffic to the target group. After this time period ends, the target receives its full share of traffic. The range is 30-900 seconds (15 minutes). The default is 0 seconds (disabled). The following attribute is supported only if the load balancer is an Application Load Balancer and the target is an instance or an IP address.

stickiness: undefined | boolean = undefined

Indicates whether target stickiness is enabled. The value is true or false. The default is false.

stickinessType: undefined | "lb_cookie" | "app_cookie" | "source_ip" | "source_ip_dest_ip" | "source_ip_dest_ip_proto" = undefined

Indicates the type of stickiness. The possible values are:

  • lb_cookie and app_cookie for Application Load Balancers.
  • source_ip for Network Load Balancers.
  • source_ip_dest_ip and source_ip_dest_ip_proto for Gateway Load Balancers
targetFailover: undefined | "no_rebalance" | "rebalance" = undefined

Indicates how the Gateway Load Balancer handles existing flows when a target is deregistered or becomes unhealthy. The possible values are rebalance and no_rebalance. The default is no_rebalance

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