To use TGW peering with requester TGW SharedServices-Main of SharedServices account in us-west-2 region with SharedServices-Main-Core TGW route table association
and accepter TGW Network-Main of Network account in us-east-1 region with Network-Main-Core TGW route table association, please use following configuration.
Please use following configuration. With autoAccept true LZA will make sure accepter account accepts the peering request.
Flag applyTags set to false will not apply tags provided in requester of peering attachment to the accepter attachment
Note: accepter property autoAccept and applyTags are optional. Default value for autoAccept is true and applyTags is false.
NetworkConfig / TransitGatewayPeeringConfig
Transit Gateway peering configuration
To use TGW peering with requester TGW SharedServices-Main of SharedServices account in us-west-2 region with SharedServices-Main-Core TGW route table association and accepter TGW Network-Main of Network account in us-east-1 region with Network-Main-Core TGW route table association, please use following configuration. Please use following configuration. With autoAccept true LZA will make sure accepter account accepts the peering request. Flag applyTags set to false will not apply tags provided in requester of peering attachment to the accepter attachment
Note: accepter property autoAccept and applyTags are optional. Default value for autoAccept is true and applyTags is false.