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  • IpamPoolProps



addressFamily: IpVersionEnum

The address family of the pool.

allocationDefaultNetmaskLength?: number

The default netmask length for allocations added to this pool.

allocationMaxNetmaskLength?: number

The maximum netmask length possible for CIDR allocations in this IPAM pool to be compliant.

allocationMinNetmaskLength?: number

The minimum netmask length required for CIDR allocations in this IPAM pool to be compliant.

allocationResourceTags?: CfnTag[]

Tags that are required for resources that use CIDRs from this IPAM pool.

autoImport?: boolean

If selected, IPAM will continuously look for resources within the CIDR range of this pool and automatically import them as allocations into your IPAM.

description?: string

The description of the IPAM pool.

ipamScopeId: string

The ID of the scope in which you would like to create the IPAM pool.

locale?: string

The locale of the IPAM pool.

name: string

The name of the IPAM pool.

provisionedCidrs?: string[]

Information about the CIDRs provisioned to an IPAM pool.

publiclyAdvertisable?: boolean

Determines if a pool is publicly advertisable.

sourceIpamPoolId?: string

The ID of the source IPAM pool.

tags?: CfnTag[]

The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource.

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