address(OPTIONAL) The address family to use for this virtual interface.
Default - ipv4
amazon(OPTIONAL) The peer IP address to use for Amazon's side of the virtual interface.
Default - randomly-generated by Amazon
connectionThe resource ID of the DX connection the virtual interface will be created on
Resource IDs should be the the format dx-conn-xxxxxx
customer(OPTIONAL) The peer IP address to use for customer's side of the virtual interface.
Default - randomly-generated by Amazon
customerA Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the customer side of the connection.
This ASN must be unique from the Amazon side ASN. The ASN for the Amazon side is determined by the DX Gateway it is created on.
The valid values are 1 to 2147483647
enable(OPTIONAL) Enable SiteLink for this virtual interface.
Default - false
interfaceThe name of the virtual interface. This name will show as the name of the resource in the AWS console and API.
This name can be changed without replacing the physical resource.
jumbo(OPTIONAL) Enable jumbo frames for the virtual interface.
Default - standard 1500 MTU frame size
nameA friendly name for the virtual interface. This name is used as a logical reference for the resource in the accelerator.
This name cannot be changed without recreating the physical resource.
ownerThe friendly name of the owning account of the DX connection.
Please note this is the owning account of the physical connection, not the virtual interface.
If specifying an account that differs from the account of the Direct Connect Gateway, this will create an allocation from the connection owner account to the Direct Connect Gateway owner account. Allocations must be manually confirmed before they can be used or updated by the accelerator.
regionThe region of the virtual interface.
Please note this region must match the region where the physical connection is hosted.
tags(OPTIONAL) An array of tags to apply to the virtual interface.
typeThe type of the virtual interface
virtual interfaces can only be created on DX gateways associated with virtual private gateways.
virtual interfaces can only be created on DX gateways associated with transit gateways.
vlanThe virtual local area network (VLAN) tag to use for this virtual interface.
This must be a unique VLAN tag that's not already in use on your connection.
The value must be between 1 and 4094
Generated using TypeDoc
NetworkConfig / DxGatewayConfig / DxVirtualInterfaceConfig
Direct Connect Gateway virtual interface configuration. Use to create a virtual interface to a DX Gateway.