Developer Notes

Style guide

Automated source code formatting is performed using clang-format. Run:


in the repository root directory to automatically use clang-format to format C++ source as well as JuliaFormatter.jl for Julia and Markdown files. The script can be viewed in the repository.

The following conventions also apply:

  • PascalCase for classes and function names.
  • Follow 'include what you use' (IWYU), with the include order dictated by the Google C++ Style Guide. This order should be automatically enforced by the clang-format style file.
  • Code comments should be full sentences, with punctuation. At this time, no Doxygen API reference is generated and so comments generally do not need to conform to Doxygen syntax.

Static analysis

During the cmake configuration step, definining the variables ANALYZE_SOURCES_CLANG_TIDY and ANALYZE_SOURCES_CPPCHECK to ON will turn on static analysis using clang-tidy and cppcheck, respectively, during the build step. This requires the executables to be installed and findable by CMake on your system.

JSON Schema for configuration files

A JSON format configuration file, for example named config.json, can be validated against the provided Schema using:

./scripts/validate_config config.json

This script uses Julia's JSONSchema.jl and the Schema provided in scripts/schema/ to parse the configuration file and check that the fields are correctly specified. This script and the associated Schema are also installed and can be accessed in <INSTALL_DIR>/bin.


Timing facilities are provided by the Timer and BlockTimer classes.

Creating a block as BlockTimer b(idx) where idx is a category like CONSTRUCT, SOLVE, etc. will record time so long as b is in scope; however, timing may be interrupted by creation of another BlockTimer object. It will resume whenever the new block is destroyed. Only one category is timed at once. This enables functions can declare how calls within them are timed without needing to know how timing may be done by the calling function.

The BlockTimer implementation relies upon a static member object of the Timer class, which behaves as a stopwatch with some memory functions. It is the responsibility of this BlockTimer::timer object to record time spent in each recorded category. Other Timer objects may be created for local timing purposes, but these will not count toward time reported at the end of a log file or in the metadata JSON.

For each Palace simulation, a table of timing statistics is printed out before the program terminates. The minimum, maximum, and average times across all MPI processes are included in the table. Timer categories are exclusive, they do not overlap. The categories for breaking down the total simulation time are:

Initialization                  // < Time spent parsing the configuration file,
                                //   preprocessing and partitioning the mesh
Operator Construction           // < Time spent constructing finite element spaces and
                                //   setting up linear and bilinear forms on those spaces
  Wave Ports                    // < Time spent configuring and computing the modes
                                //   associated with wave port boundaries
Linear Solve                    // < Linear solver time
  Setup                         // < Setup time for linear solver and preconditioner
  Preconditioner                // < Preconditioner application time for linear solve
  Coarse Solve                  // < Coarse solve time for geometric multigrid
                                //   preconditioners
Time Stepping                   // < Time spent in the time integrator for transient
                                //   simulation types
Eigenvalue Solve                // < Time spent in the eigenvalue solver (not including
                                //   linear solves for the spectral transformation, or
                                //   divergence-free projection)
Div.-Free Projection            // < Time spent performing divergence-free projection (used
                                //   for eigenmode simulations)
PROM Construction               // < Offline PROM construction time for adaptive fast
                                //   frequency sweep
PROM Solve                      // < Online PROM solve and solution prolongation time for
                                //   adaptive fast frequency sweep
Estimation                      // < Time spent computing element-wise error estimates
  Construction                  // < Construction time for error estimation global linear
                                //   solve
  Solve                         // < Solve time for error estimation global linear solve
Adaptation                      // < Time spent performing adaptive mesh refinement (AMR)
  Rebalancing                   // < Rebalancing time for AMR simulations with rebalancing
Postprocessing                  // < Time spent in postprocessing once the field solution
                                //   has been computed
Disk IO                         // < Disk read/write time for loading the mesh file and
                                //   writing fields for visualization
Total                           // < Total simulation time


We use Catch2 to perform unit testing of the libCEED integration in Palace against the legacy MFEM assembly routines. The unit tests source code is located in the test/unit/ directory, and can be built from within the Palace build directory using make unit-tests, or from the superbuild as make palace-tests. The unit tests can be accelerated using MPI and/or OpenMP parallelism(when configured with PALACE_WITH_OPENMP=ON), but in all cases they are only testing the local operator assembly on each process. The 2D and 3D sample meshes in test/unit/mesh/ come from the MFEM repository.

The unit test application also includes a small number of benchmarks to compare performance between MFEM's legacy assembly backend, MFEM's partial assembly backend, and the specified libCEED backend (specified with the --backend option, use -h/--help to list all command line options for the unit-tests executable). These can be run using, for example:

./unit-tests "[Benchmark]" --benchmark-samples 10

The unit tests are run automatically as part of the project's continuous integration (CI) workflows. Also run as part of the CI are regression tests based on the provided example applications in the examples/ directory. These are executed based on the code in test/examples/.


Code contributions should generally be accompanied by an entry in the changelog.