Create the control plane
Now that we have SBT installed, let's create a new SBT control plane. Create a new file under /lib/control-plane.ts
with the following contents.
Please be sure to replace the email address with a real email as this is where you'll get the temporary admin password.
import * as sbt from '@cdklabs/sbt-aws';
import { Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
export class ControlPlaneStack extends Stack {
public readonly regApiGatewayUrl: string;
public readonly eventManager: sbt.IEventManager;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: any) {
super(scope, id, props);
const cognitoAuth = new sbt.CognitoAuth(this, 'CognitoAuth', {
// Avoid checking scopes for API endpoints. Done only for testing purposes.
setAPIGWScopes: false,
const controlPlane = new sbt.ControlPlane(this, 'ControlPlane', {
auth: cognitoAuth,
systemAdminEmail: 'ENTER YOUR EMAIL HERE',
this.eventManager = controlPlane.eventManager;
this.regApiGatewayUrl = controlPlane.controlPlaneAPIGatewayUrl;
Notice here we're creating a new CDK Stack called "ControlPlaneStack". In that stack, we're creating a ControlPlane
construct which we imported from the @cdklabs/sbt-aws
Another important concept worth pointing out here is the plugability of this approach. Notice we're creating an "auth" component, called "CognitoAuth". This component implements the IAuth
interface defined in the SBT core package. We currently have a Cognito implementation of IAuth
, but we could technically implement that interface with any identity provider.