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We recommend that you setup a CI/CD pipeline for this solution. This section will provide you with an overview of how to do this.


  • Source Account: AWS Account containing CodeCommit repository with the source code
  • Target Account: AWS Account where the solution needs to be deployed to. The CodePipeline is also deployed in the target account.
  • Staging Environment: Solution environment created to run integration tests or manual tests before deploying the solution to final target environment.
  • Target Environment: Target solution environment where the code needs to be deployed.

How the CI/CD pipeline works

At high level the pipeline works as follows:

  1. Every commit in the source account on the configured repo for the specified branch triggers a CloudWatch event.
  2. A CloudWatch Rule pushes the event to the default event bus of the target account.
  3. A CloudWatch Rule in the target account triggers the CodePipeline.
  4. The pipeline contains the following stages and executes them in order. The pipeline stops upon failure of any stage and notifies user via configured SNS topic.
    1. Source: This stage takes the code from the CodeCommit repository from the specified branch and uploads it to an S3 bucket. This S3 bucket is called artifacts bucket and is used by the CodePipeline to pass artifacts from one stage to other stage.
    2. Build-And-Deploy-To-Staging-Env: This stage uses AWS CodeBuild to perform build and deployment. It downloads the code from the artifacts S3 bucket and installs dependencies, performs the static code analysis, runs unit tests, and deploys to the staging environment. This stage is only created if createStagingEnv setting is set to true in settings file. Developers can set createStagingEnv to false to skip creation and deployment to staging environment and directly push changes to their target development environment. This flag should be set to true for higher environments (such as demo or production) to make sure code is deployed and tested in a staging environment before pushing to target environment.
    3. Test-Staging-Env: This stage uses AWS CodeBuild to execute integration tests against the staging environment. This stage is only created if createStagingEnv setting is set to true in settings file. Developers can set createStagingEnv to false to skip creation and deployment to staging environment and directly push changes to their target development environment.
    4. Push-To-Target-Env: This stage is for manual approval to deploy to target environment. The pipeline will pause at this stage and wait for manual approval. The user will receive an email notification via configured SNS topic. The notification email address is configured via the setting emailForNotifications in the settings file. This stage is only created if requireManualApproval setting is set to true in settings file. Setting requireManualApproval to false will cause auto-propagation to the target environment.
    5. Build-and-Deploy-to-Target-Env: This stage uses AWS CodeBuild to perform build and deployment. It downloads the code from the artifacts S3 bucket and installs dependencies, performs the static code analysis, runs unit tests, and deploys to the target environment.
    6. Test-Target-Env: This stage uses AWS CodeBuild to execute integration tests against the target environment. This stage is only created if runTestsAgainstTargetEnv setting is set to true in settings file. Developers can set createStagingEnv to false, requireManualApproval to false, and runTestsAgainstTargetEnv to true to skip creation and deployment to staging environment and directly push changes to their target development environment without requiring manual approval and run integration tests directly against their target development environment.

Deploying the CI/CD Pipeline

Follow these steps to deploy the CI/CD Pipeline:

1. Deploy the cicd-source stack to the Source Account

Start by creating a settings file in cicd/cicd-source/config/settings for the environment for which you want to create the CI/CD pipeline. For example, to create the CI/CD pipeline for dev environment, create a dev.yml file in cicd/cicd-source/config/settings/.

You can create the settings file by copying the sample demo.yml file. Please adjust the settings as per your environment. Read the inline comments in the file for information about each setting. In the setting file you have just created, set the following settings as "*"

artifactsS3BucketArn: "*"
artifactsKmsKeyArn: "*"

You can now deploy the cicd-source stack.

cd cicd/cicd-source
pnpx sls deploy --stage <env-name>

2. Deploy cicd-pipeline stack to the Target Account

Create a settings file in cicd/cicd-pipeline/config/settings for the environment for which you want to create the CI/CD pipeline. For example, to create the CI/CD pipeline for dev environment, create dev.yml file in cicd/cicd-pipeline/config/settings/. You can create the settings file by copying the sample demo.yml file.

Please adjust the settings as per your environment. Read inline comments in the file for information about each setting.

You can now deploy the cicd-pipeline stack:

cd cicd/cicd-pipeline
pnpx sls deploy --stage <env-name>

3. Re-deploy cicd-source stack to the Source Account

You will need to re-deploy the cicd-source stack to the Source Account to lock down permissions for the artifacts bucket.

Note down the CloudFormation stack output variables AppArtifactBucketArn and ArtifactBucketKeyArn from the cicd-pipeline stack you deployed above.

You can also use sls info command with --verbose flag to print stack output variables from the cicd/cicd-pipeline folder:

pnpx sls info --verbose -s <env-name>

4. Update CloudFormation variables

Next you will need to set the CloudFormation stack output variables for AppArtifactBucketArn and ArtifactBucketKeyArn that you obtained in the previous steps for the settings artifactsS3BucketArn and artifactsKmsKeyArn in settings file cicd/cicd-source/config/settings/demo.yml.

artifactsKmsKeyArn: "<value of the CloudFormation output variable ArtifactBucketKeyArn from cicd-pipeline stack>"

Next you will need to re-deploy the cicd-source stack to lock down the permissions in CodeCommitSourceRole.

cd cicd/cicd-source
pnpx sls deploy --stage <env-name>