Amazon Kinesis Producer C SDK
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PUBLIC_API STATUS createAwsCredentials (PCHAR, UINT32, PCHAR, UINT32, PCHAR, UINT32, UINT64, PAwsCredentials *)
 Creates an AWS credentials object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeAwsCredentials (PAwsCredentials *)
 Frees an Aws credentials object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS deserializeAwsCredentials (PBYTE)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createStaticCredentialProvider (PCHAR, UINT32, PCHAR, UINT32, PCHAR, UINT32, UINT64, PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Creates a Static AWS credential provider object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeStaticCredentialProvider (PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Frees a Static Aws credential provider object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProvider (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object using libCurl.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createLwsIotCredentialProvider (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object using libWebSockets.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTimeAndTimeout (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, GetCurrentTimeFunc, UINT64, PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object with time function which is based on libCurl.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTime (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, GetCurrentTimeFunc, UINT64, PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object with time function which is based on libCurl.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createLwsIotCredentialProviderWithTime (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, GetCurrentTimeFunc, UINT64, PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object with time function which is based on libWebSockets.
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeIotCredentialProvider (PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Frees an IoT based Aws credential provider object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createFileCredentialProvider (PCHAR, PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Creates a File based AWS credential provider object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createFileCredentialProviderWithTime (PCHAR, GetCurrentTimeFunc, UINT64, PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Creates a File based AWS credential provider object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeFileCredentialProvider (PAwsCredentialProvider *)
 Frees a File based Aws credential provider object.
 Creates a Request Info object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeRequestInfo (PRequestInfo *)
 Frees a Request Info object.
PUBLIC_API STATUS signAwsRequestInfo (PRequestInfo)
 Signs a request by appending SigV4 headers.
PUBLIC_API STATUS signAwsRequestInfoQueryParam (PRequestInfo)
 Signs a request by appending SigV4 query param.
 Gets a request host string.
PUBLIC_API BOOL compareJsonString (PCHAR, jsmntok_t *, jsmntype_t, PCHAR)
 Compares JSON strings taking into account the type.
PUBLIC_API STATUS convertTimestampToEpoch (PCHAR, UINT64, PUINT64)
 Converts the timestamp string to time.
 Creates a user agent string.
PUBLIC_API STATUS requestRequiresSecureConnection (PCHAR, PBOOL)
 Checks whether the request URL requires a secure connection.
PUBLIC_API STATUS setRequestHeader (PRequestInfo, PCHAR, UINT32, PCHAR, UINT32)
 Sets a header in the request info.
PUBLIC_API STATUS removeRequestHeader (PRequestInfo, PCHAR)
 Removes a header from the headers list if exists.
PUBLIC_API STATUS removeRequestHeaders (PRequestInfo)
 Removes and deletes all headers.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createRequestHeader (PCHAR, UINT32, PCHAR, UINT32, PRequestHeader *)
 Creates a request header.
PUBLIC_API SERVICE_CALL_RESULT getServiceCallResultFromHttpStatus (UINT32)
 Convenience method to convert HTTP statuses to SERVICE_CALL_RESULT status.
PUBLIC_API STATUS releaseCallInfo (PCallInfo)
 Releases the CallInfo allocations.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createFileLogger (UINT64, UINT64, PCHAR, BOOL, BOOL, logPrintFunc *)
 Creates a file based logger object and installs the global logger callback function.
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeFileLogger ()
 Frees the static file logger object and resets the global logging function if it was previously set by the create function.
PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithAwsCredentials (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, UINT64, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PClientCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithIotCertificate (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PClientCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithIotCertificateAndTimeouts (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, PClientCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithFileAuth (PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PClientCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithAuthCallbacks (PAuthCallbacks, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PClientCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeCallbacksProvider (PClientCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS setPlatformCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PPlatformCallbacks)
PUBLIC_API STATUS addProducerCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PProducerCallbacks)
PUBLIC_API STATUS addStreamCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PStreamCallbacks)
PUBLIC_API STATUS addAuthCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PAuthCallbacks)
PUBLIC_API STATUS addApiCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PApiCallbacks)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeVideoStreamInfoProvider (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineVideoStreamInfoProvider (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeAudioVideoStreamInfoProvider (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineAudioVideoStreamInfoProvider (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, VIDEO_CODEC_ID, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, VIDEO_CODEC_ID, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeAudioVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, VIDEO_CODEC_ID, AUDIO_CODEC_ID, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineAudioVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, VIDEO_CODEC_ID, AUDIO_CODEC_ID, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeAudioStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, AUDIO_CODEC_ID, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineAudioStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs (PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, AUDIO_CODEC_ID, PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS setStreamInfoBasedOnStorageSize (UINT32, UINT64, UINT32, PStreamInfo)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeStreamInfoProvider (PStreamInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultDeviceInfo (PDeviceInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeDeviceInfo (PDeviceInfo *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS setDeviceInfoStorageSize (PDeviceInfo, UINT64)
PUBLIC_API STATUS setDeviceInfoStorageSizeBasedOnBitrateAndBufferDuration (PDeviceInfo, UINT64, UINT64)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createIotAuthCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createIotAuthCallbacksWithTimeouts (PClientCallbacks, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, UINT64, UINT64, PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeIotAuthCallbacks (PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createFileAuthCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PCHAR, PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeFileAuthCallbacks (PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createStaticAuthCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, UINT64, PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeStaticAuthCallbacks (PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createCredentialProviderAuthCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PAwsCredentialProvider, PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeCredentialProviderAuthCallbacks (PAuthCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createStreamCallbacks (PStreamCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeStreamCallbacks (PStreamCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createContinuousRetryStreamCallbacks (PClientCallbacks, PStreamCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS freeContinuousRetryStreamCallbacks (PStreamCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS createAbstractDefaultCallbacksProvider (UINT32, API_CALL_CACHE_TYPE, UINT64, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PCHAR, PClientCallbacks *)
PUBLIC_API STATUS addFileLoggerPlatformCallbacksProvider (PClientCallbacks, UINT64, UINT64, PCHAR, BOOL)
STATUS addFileLoggerWithFilteringPlatformCallbacksProvider (PClientCallbacks, UINT64, UINT64, PCHAR, BOOL, BOOL, UINT32)

Detailed Description

Public functions.

Function Documentation

◆ addApiCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS addApiCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pClientCallbacks,
PApiCallbacks  pApiCallbacks 

Appends Api callbacks

NOTE: The callbacks are appended at the end of the chain.

[in]PClientCallbacksPointer to client callbacks
[in]PApiCallbacksPointer to api callbacks to use
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS addAuthCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pClientCallbacks,
PAuthCallbacks  pAuthCallbacks 

Appends Auth callbacks

NOTE: The callbacks are appended at the end of the chain.

[in]PClientCallbacksPointer to client callbacks
[in]PAuthCallbacksPointer to auth callbacks to use
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addFileLoggerPlatformCallbacksProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS addFileLoggerPlatformCallbacksProvider ( PClientCallbacks  pClientCallbacks,
UINT64  stringBufferSize,
UINT64  maxLogFileCount,
PCHAR  logFileDir,
BOOL  printLog 

Use file logger instead of default logger which log to stdout. The underlying objects are automatically freed when PClientCallbacks is freed.

[in]PClientCallbacksThe callback provider whose logPrintFn will be replaced with file logger log printing function
[in]UINT64Size of string buffer in file logger. When the string buffer is full the logger will flush everything into a new file
[in]UINT64Max number of log file. When exceeded, the oldest file will be deleted when new one is generated
[in]PCHARDirectory in which the log file will be generated
[in]BOOLprint log to std out too
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addFileLoggerWithFilteringPlatformCallbacksProvider()

STATUS addFileLoggerWithFilteringPlatformCallbacksProvider ( PClientCallbacks  pClientCallbacks,
UINT64  stringBufferSize,
UINT64  maxLogFileCount,
PCHAR  logFileDir,
BOOL  printLog,
BOOL  enableAllLevels,
UINT32  level 

Use file logger with level filtering instead of default logger which log to stdout. The underlying objects are automatically freed when PClientCallbacks is freed.

[in]PClientCallbacksThe callback provider whose logPrintFn will be replaced with file logger log printing function
[in]UINT64Size of string buffer in file logger. When the string buffer is full the logger will flush everything into a new file
[in]UINT64Max number of log file. When exceeded, the oldest file will be deleted when new one is generated
[in]PCHARDirectory in which the log file will be generated
[in]BOOLEnable logging other log levels into a file
[in]UINT32Log level that needs to be filtered into another file
[in]BOOLprint log to std out too
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addProducerCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS addProducerCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pClientCallbacks,
PProducerCallbacks  pProducerCallbacks 

Appends Producer callbacks

NOTE: The callbacks are appended at the end of the chain.

[in]PClientCallbacksPointer to client callbacks
[in]PProducerCallbacksPointer to producer callbacks to add
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addStreamCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS addStreamCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pClientCallbacks,
PStreamCallbacks  pStreamCallbacks 

Appends Stream callbacks

NOTE: The callbacks are appended at the end of the chain.

[in]PClientCallbacksPointer to client callbacks
[in]PStreamCallbacksPointer to stream callbacks to use
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compareJsonString()

PUBLIC_API BOOL compareJsonString ( PCHAR  pJsonStr,
jsmntok_t *  pToken,
jsmntype_t  jsmnType,
PCHAR  pStr 

Compares JSON strings taking into account the type.

[in]PCHARJSON string being parsed
[in]jsmntok_t*Jsmn token to match
[in]jsmntype_tJsmn token type to match
[in]PCHARToken name to match
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convertTimestampToEpoch()

PUBLIC_API STATUS convertTimestampToEpoch ( PCHAR  expirationTimestampStr,
UINT64  nowTime,
PUINT64  pExpiration 

Converts the timestamp string to time.

[in]PCHARString to covert (MUST be null terminated)
[in]UINT64Current time
[in,out]PUINT64Converted time
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createAbstractDefaultCallbacksProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createAbstractDefaultCallbacksProvider ( UINT32  callbackChainCount,
UINT64  endpointCachingPeriod,
PCHAR  region,
PCHAR  controlPlaneUrl,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  userAgentName,
PCHAR  customUserAgent,
PClientCallbacks *  ppClientCallbacks 

Create abstract callback provider that can hook with other callbacks

[in]UINT32Length of callback provider calling chain
[in]API_CALL_CACHE_TYPEBackend API call caching mode
[in]UINT64Cached endpoint update period
[in,opt]PCHAR AWS region
[in]PCHARSpecific Control Plane Uri as endpoint to be called
[in,opt]PCHAR CA Cert path
[in,opt]PCHAR User agent name (Use NULL)
[in,opt]PCHAR Custom user agent to be used in the API calls
[out]PClientCallbacks*Returned pointer to callbacks provider
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createAwsCredentials()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createAwsCredentials ( PCHAR  accessKeyId,
UINT32  accessKeyIdLen,
PCHAR  secretKey,
UINT32  secretKeyLen,
PCHAR  sessionToken,
UINT32  sessionTokenLen,
UINT64  expiration,
PAwsCredentials ppAwsCredentials 

Creates an AWS credentials object.

[in]PCHARAccess Key Id
[in]UINT32Access Key Id Length excluding NULL terminator or 0 to calculate
[in]PCHARSecret Key
[in]UINT32Secret Key Length excluding NULL terminator or 0 to calculate
[in,opt]PCHAR Session Token
[in,opt]UINT32 Session Token Length excluding NULL terminator or 0 to calculate
[in]UINT64Expiration in 100ns absolute time
[out]PAwsCredentials*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success

Create credentials object

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createContinuousRetryStreamCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createContinuousRetryStreamCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pCallbacksProvider,
PStreamCallbacks ppStreamCallbacks 

Creates a stream callbacks object allowing continuous retry on failures, reset logic on staleness and latency.

[in]PCallbacksProviderPointer to callback provider
[out]PStreamCallbacks*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createCredentialProviderAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createCredentialProviderAuthCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pCallbacksProvider,
PAwsCredentialProvider  pCredentialProvider,
PAuthCallbacks ppCredentialProviderAuthCallbacks 

Creates a Credentials auth callbacks from an existing Credential Provider object

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

NOTE: The original Credential Provider object will not be released on free

[in]PCallbacksProviderPointer to callback provider
[in]PAwsCredentialProviderCredential provider object
[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*Pointer to pointer to AuthCallback struct
STATUS status of operation

Creates Credential Provider Auth callbacks

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createCurlIotCredentialProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProvider ( PCHAR  iotGetCredentialEndpoint,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  thingName,
PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider 

Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object using libCurl.

[in]PCHARiot endpoint
[in]PCHARcert file path
[in]PCHARprivate key file path
[in,opt]PCHAR ca cert file path
[in]PCHARrole alias
[in]PCHARiot thing name
[out]PAwsCredentialProvider*constructed AWS credentials provider object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTime()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTime ( PCHAR  iotGetCredentialEndpoint,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  thingName,
GetCurrentTimeFunc  getCurrentTimeFn,
UINT64  customData,
PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider 

Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object with time function which is based on libCurl.

[in]PCHARIoT endpoint
[in]PCHARCert file path
[in]PCHARPrivate key file path
[in]PCHARCA cert file path
[in]PCHARRole alias
[in]PCHARIoT thing name
[in]GetCurrentTimeFuncCustom current time function
[in]UINT64Time function custom data
[out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Constructed AWS credentials provider object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTimeAndTimeout()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTimeAndTimeout ( PCHAR  iotGetCredentialEndpoint,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  thingName,
UINT64  connectionTimeout,
UINT64  completionTimeout,
GetCurrentTimeFunc  getCurrentTimeFn,
UINT64  customData,
PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider 

Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object with time function which is based on libCurl.

[in]PCHARIoT endpoint
[in]PCHARCert file path
[in]PCHARPrivate key file path
[in]PCHARCA cert file path
[in]PCHARRole alias
[in]PCHARIoT thing name
[in]UINT64connection timeout
[in]UINT64completion timeout
[in]GetCurrentTimeFuncCustom current time function
[in]UINT64Time function custom data
[out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Constructed AWS credentials provider object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithAuthCallbacks ( PAuthCallbacks  pAuthCallbacks,
PCHAR  region,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  userAgentPostfix,
PCHAR  customUserAgent,
PClientCallbacks *  ppClientCallbacks 

Creates a default callbacks provider that uses auth callbacks as auth method.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding freeCallbackProvider API.

[in]PAuthCallbacksAuth Callback for the auth
[in,opt]PCHAR AWS region
[in,opt]PCHAR CA Cert path
[in,opt]PCHAR User agent name (Use NULL)
[in,opt]PCHAR Custom user agent to be used in the API calls
[out]PClientCallbacks*Returned pointer to callbacks provider
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithAwsCredentials()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithAwsCredentials ( PCHAR  accessKeyId,
PCHAR  secretKey,
PCHAR  sessionToken,
UINT64  expiration,
PCHAR  region,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  userAgentPostfix,
PCHAR  customUserAgent,
PClientCallbacks *  ppClientCallbacks 

Creates a default callbacks provider based on static AWS credentials

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding freeCallbackProvider API.

[in]PCHARAccess Key Id
[in]PCHARSecret Key
[in,opt]PCHAR Session Token
[in]UINT64Expiration of the token. MAX_UINT64 if non-expiring
[in,opt]PCHAR AWS region
[in,opt]PCHAR CA Cert Path
[in,opt]PCHAR User agent name (Use NULL)
[in,out]PCHARCustom user agent to be used in the API calls
[out]PClientCallbacks*Returned pointer to callbacks provider
STATUS code of the execution

Create the default callbacks provider with AWS credentials and defaults

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithFileAuth()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithFileAuth ( PCHAR  credentialsFilePath,
PCHAR  region,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  userAgentPostfix,
PCHAR  customUserAgent,
PClientCallbacks *  ppClientCallbacks 

Creates a default callbacks provider that uses file-based certificate as auth method.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding freeCallbackProvider API.

[in]PCHARCredential file path
[in,opt]PCHAR AWS region
[in,opt]PCHAR CA Cert path
[in,opt]PCHAR User agent name (Use NULL)
[in,opt]PCHAR Custom user agent to be used in the API calls
[out]PClientCallbacks*Returned pointer to callbacks provider
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithIotCertificate()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithIotCertificate ( PCHAR  endpoint,
PCHAR  iotCertPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  streamName,
PCHAR  region,
PCHAR  userAgentPostfix,
PCHAR  customUserAgent,
PClientCallbacks *  ppClientCallbacks 

Creates a default callbacks provider that uses iot certificate as auth method.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding freeCallbackProvider API.

[in]PCHARIoT endpoint to use for the auth
[in]PCHARCredential cert path
[in]PCHARPrivate key path
[in,opt]PCHAR CA Cert path
[in]PCHARRole alias name
[in]PCHARIoT Thing name
[in,opt]PCHAR AWS region
[in,opt]PCHAR User agent name (Use NULL)
[in,opt]PCHAR Custom user agent to be used in the API calls
[out]PClientCallbacks*Returned pointer to callbacks provider
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithIotCertificateAndTimeouts()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithIotCertificateAndTimeouts ( PCHAR  endpoint,
PCHAR  iotCertPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  streamName,
PCHAR  region,
PCHAR  userAgentPostfix,
PCHAR  customUserAgent,
UINT64  connectionTimeout,
UINT64  completionTimeout,
PClientCallbacks *  ppClientCallbacks 

Creates a default callbacks provider that uses iot certificate as auth method.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding freeCallbackProvider API.

[in]PCHARIoT endpoint to use for the auth
[in]PCHARCredential cert path
[in]PCHARPrivate key path
[in,opt]PCHAR CA Cert path
[in]PCHARRole alias name
[in]PCHARIoT Thing name
[in,opt]PCHAR AWS region
[in,opt]PCHAR User agent name (Use NULL)
[in,opt]PCHAR Custom user agent to be used in the API calls
[in]UINT64connection timeout
[in]UINT64completion timeout
[out]PClientCallbacks*Returned pointer to callbacks provider
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createDefaultDeviceInfo()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createDefaultDeviceInfo ( PDeviceInfo *  ppDeviceInfo)

Create deviceInfo with DEFAULT_STORAGE_SIZE amount of storage.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[out]PDeviceInfo*pointer to PDeviceInfo that will point to the created deviceInfo
STATUS status of operation
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createFileAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createFileAuthCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pCallbacksProvider,
PCHAR  pCredentialsFilepath,
PAuthCallbacks ppFileAuthCallbacks 

Creates the File Credentials auth callbacks

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in]PCallbacksProviderPointer to callback provider
[in]PCHARfile path for the credentials file
[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*Pointer to pointer to AuthCallback struct
STATUS status of operation

Creates File Auth callbacks

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createFileCredentialProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createFileCredentialProvider ( PCHAR  pCredentialsFilepath,
PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider 

Creates a File based AWS credential provider object.

[in]PCHARCredentials file path
[out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Constructed AWS credentials provider object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createFileCredentialProviderWithTime()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createFileCredentialProviderWithTime ( PCHAR  pCredentialsFilepath,
GetCurrentTimeFunc  getCurrentTimeFn,
UINT64  customData,
PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider 

Creates a File based AWS credential provider object.

[in]PCHARCredentials file path
[in]GetCurrentTimeFuncCurrent time function
[in]UINT64Time function custom data
[out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Constructed AWS credentials provider object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createFileLogger()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createFileLogger ( UINT64  ,
UINT64  ,
logPrintFunc *   

Creates a file based logger object and installs the global logger callback function.

[in]UINT64Size of string buffer in file logger. When the string buffer is full the logger will flush everything into a new file
[in]UINT64Max number of log file. When exceeded, the oldest file will be deleted when new one is generated
[in]PCHARDirectory in which the log file will be generated
[in]BOOLWhether to print log to std out too
[in]BOOLWhether to set global logger function pointer
[out/opt]logPrintFunc* Optional function pointer to be returned to the caller that contains the main function for actual output
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createIotAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createIotAuthCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pCallbacksProvider,
PCHAR  iotGetCredentialEndpoint,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  streamName,
PAuthCallbacks ppIotAuthCallbacks 

Creates the Iot Credentials auth callbacks

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in]PCallbacksProviderPointer to callback provider
[in]PCHARiot credentials endpoint
[in]PCHARkvs iot certificate file path
[in]PCHARprivate key file path
[in]PCHARCA cert path
[in]PCHARiot role alias
[in]PCHARIoT thing name
[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*Pointer to pointer to AuthCallback struct
STATUS status of operation
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createIotAuthCallbacksWithTimeouts()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createIotAuthCallbacksWithTimeouts ( PClientCallbacks  pCallbacksProvider,
PCHAR  iotGetCredentialEndpoint,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  connectionTimeout,
UINT64  completionTimeout,
PAuthCallbacks ppIotAuthCallbacks 

Creates the Iot Credentials auth callbacks

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in]PCallbacksProviderPointer to callback provider
[in]PCHARiot credentials endpoint
[in]PCHARkvs iot certificate file path
[in]PCHARprivate key file path
[in]PCHARCA cert path
[in]PCHARiot role alias
[in]PCHARIoT thing name
[in]UINT64connection timeout
[in]UINT64completion timeout
[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*Pointer to pointer to AuthCallback struct
STATUS status of operation
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createLwsIotCredentialProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createLwsIotCredentialProvider ( PCHAR  iotGetCredentialEndpoint,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  thingName,
PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider 

Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object using libWebSockets.

[in]PCHARIoT endpoint
[in]PCHARCert file path
[in]PCHARPrivate key file path
[in,opt]PCHAR CA cert file path
[in]PCHARRole alias
[in]PCHARIoT thing name
[out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Constructed AWS credentials provider object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createLwsIotCredentialProviderWithTime()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createLwsIotCredentialProviderWithTime ( PCHAR  iotGetCredentialEndpoint,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  privateKeyPath,
PCHAR  caCertPath,
PCHAR  roleAlias,
PCHAR  thingName,
GetCurrentTimeFunc  getCurrentTimeFn,
UINT64  customData,
PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider 

Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object with time function which is based on libWebSockets.

[in]PCHARIoT endpoint
[in]PCHARCert file path
[in]PCHARPrivate key file path
[in]PCHARCA cert file path
[in]PCHARRole alias
[in]PCHARIoT thing name
[in]GetCurrentTimeFuncCustom current time function
[in]UINT64function custom data
[out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Constructed AWS credentials provider object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createOfflineAudioStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineAudioStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
AUDIO_CODEC_ID  audioCodecId,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for Offline Audio only Streaming Scenario

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64retention in 100ns time unit
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createOfflineAudioVideoStreamInfoProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineAudioVideoStreamInfoProvider ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for Offline Audio Video Streaming Scenario

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64retention in 100ns time unit
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createOfflineAudioVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineAudioVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
VIDEO_CODEC_ID  videoCodecId,
AUDIO_CODEC_ID  audioCodecId,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for Offline Audio Video Streaming Scenario

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64retention in 100ns time unit
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[in]VIDEO_CODEC_IDCodec ID of the video(H.264/H.265)
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createOfflineVideoStreamInfoProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineVideoStreamInfoProvider ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for Offline Video Streaming Scenario.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64etention in 100ns time unit. Should be greater than 0.
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createOfflineVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createOfflineVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
VIDEO_CODEC_ID  videoCodecId,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for Offline Video Streaming Scenario.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64etention in 100ns time unit. Should be greater than 0.
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[in]VIDEO_CODEC_IDCodec ID of the video(H.264/H.265)
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createRealtimeAudioStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeAudioStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
AUDIO_CODEC_ID  audioCodecId,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for RealTime Audio only Streaming Scenario

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64retention in 100ns time unit
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createRealtimeAudioVideoStreamInfoProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeAudioVideoStreamInfoProvider ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for RealTime Audio Video Streaming Scenario

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64retention in 100ns time unit
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createRealtimeAudioVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeAudioVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
VIDEO_CODEC_ID  videoCodecId,
AUDIO_CODEC_ID  audioCodecId,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for RealTime Audio Video Streaming Scenario

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64retention in 100ns time unit
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[in]VIDEO_CODEC_IDCodec ID of the video(H.264/H.265)
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createRealtimeVideoStreamInfoProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeVideoStreamInfoProvider ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for RealTime Streaming Scenario using default values.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64retention in 100ns time unit
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createRealtimeVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createRealtimeVideoStreamInfoProviderWithCodecs ( PCHAR  streamName,
UINT64  retention,
UINT64  bufferDuration,
VIDEO_CODEC_ID  videoCodecId,
PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo 

Creates Stream Info for RealTime Streaming Scenario using default values.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,opt]PCHAR stream name
[in]UINT64retention in 100ns time unit
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns time unit
[in]VIDEO_CODEC_IDCodec ID of the video(H.264/H.265)
[out]PStreamInfo*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createRequestHeader()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createRequestHeader ( PCHAR  headerName,
UINT32  headerNameLen,
PCHAR  headerValue,
UINT32  headerValueLen,
PRequestHeader ppHeader 

Creates a request header.

[in]PCHARHeader name
[in]UINT32Header name length
[in]PCHARHeader value
[in]UINT32Header value length
[out]PRequestHeader*Resulting object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createRequestInfo()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createRequestInfo ( PCHAR  url,
PCHAR  body,
PCHAR  region,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  sslCertPath,
PCHAR  sslPrivateKeyPath,
PCHAR  userAgent,
UINT64  connectionTimeout,
UINT64  completionTimeout,
UINT64  lowSpeedLimit,
UINT64  lowSpeedTimeLimit,
PAwsCredentials  pAwsCredentials,
PRequestInfo ppRequestInfo 

Creates a Request Info object.

[in]PCHARURL of the request
[in,opt]PCHAR Body of the request
[in,opt]PCHAR CA Certificate path/file
[in,opt]PCHAR SSL Certificate path/file
[in,opt]PCHAR SSL Certificate private key file path
[in,opt]SSL_CERTIFICATE_TYPE SSL certificate file type
[in,opt]PCHAR User agent string
[in]UINT64Connection timeout
[in]UINT64Completion timeout
[in,opt]UINT64 Low speed limit
[in,opt]UINT64 Low speed time limit
[in,opt]PAwsCredentials Credentials to use for the call
[in,out]PRequestInfo*The newly created object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createStaticAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createStaticAuthCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pCallbacksProvider,
PCHAR  accessKeyId,
PCHAR  secretKey,
PCHAR  sessionToken,
UINT64  expiration,
PAuthCallbacks ppStaticAuthCallbacks 

Creates a Static Credentials auth callbacks

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in]PCallbacksProviderPointer to callback provider
[in]PCHARAccess key id
[in]PCHARSecret key
[in,opt]PCHAR Session token
[in]UINT64Expiration absolute time in 100ns
[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*Pointer to pointer to AuthCallback struct
STATUS status of operation

Creates Static Auth callbacks

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createStaticCredentialProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createStaticCredentialProvider ( PCHAR  accessKeyId,
UINT32  accessKeyIdLen,
PCHAR  secretKey,
UINT32  secretKeyLen,
PCHAR  sessionToken,
UINT32  sessionTokenLen,
UINT64  expiration,
PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider 

Creates a Static AWS credential provider object.

[in]PCHARAWS Access Key Id
[in]UINT32Access Key Id Length excluding NULL terminator or 0 to calculate
[in]PCHARAWS Secret Key
[in]UINT32Secret Key Length excluding NULL terminator or 0 to calculate
[in,opt]PCHAR Session Token
[in,opt]UINT32 Session Token Length excluding NULL terminator or 0 to calculate
[in]UINT64Expiration in 100ns absolute time
[out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Constructed AWS credentials provider object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createStreamCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS createStreamCallbacks ( PStreamCallbacks ppStreamCallbacks)

Creates StreamCallbacks struct

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[out]PStreamCallbacks*Constructed object
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deserializeAwsCredentials()

PUBLIC_API STATUS deserializeAwsCredentials ( PBYTE  token)

@ brief Deserialize an AWS credentials object, adapt the accessKey/secretKey/sessionToken pointer to offset following the AwsCredential structure

[in]PBYTEToken to be deserialized.
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeAwsCredentials()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeAwsCredentials ( PAwsCredentials ppAwsCredentials)

Frees an Aws credentials object.

[in,out]PAwsCredentials*Credentials object to be destroyed.
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeCallbacksProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeCallbacksProvider ( PClientCallbacks *  ppClientCallbacks)

Releases and frees the callbacks provider structure.

NOTE: The caller is responsible for releasing the structure by calling the corresponding free API.

[in,out]PClientCallbacks*Pointer to callbacks provider to free
STATUS code of the execution

Frees the callbacks provider

NOTE: The caller should have passed a pointer which was previously created by the corresponding function NOTE: The call is idempotent

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeContinuousRetryStreamCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeContinuousRetryStreamCallbacks ( PStreamCallbacks ppStreamCallbacks)

Frees a previously constructed continuous stream callbacks object

[in,out,opt]PStreamCallbacks* Object to be destroyed.
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeCredentialProviderAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeCredentialProviderAuthCallbacks ( PAuthCallbacks ppCredentialProviderAuthCallbacks)

Frees the Credential Provider based auth callback

NOTE: The underlying credential provider object will not be freed

[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*pointer to AuthCallback provider object
STATUS status of operation

Frees the Credential Provider based Auth callbacks object

NOTE: The caller should have passed a pointer which was previously created by the corresponding function NOTE: The underlying credential provider object will not be freed

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeDeviceInfo()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeDeviceInfo ( PDeviceInfo *  ppDeviceInfo)

Frees the DeviceInfo provider object.

[in,out]PDeviceInfo*pointer to PDeviceInfo provider that will be freed
STATUS status of operation
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeFileAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeFileAuthCallbacks ( PAuthCallbacks ppAuthCallbacks)

Frees the File Credential auth callbacks

[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*pointer to AuthCallback provider object
STATUS status of operation

Frees the File Auth callbacks object

NOTE: The caller should have passed a pointer which was previously created by the corresponding function

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeFileCredentialProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeFileCredentialProvider ( PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider)

Frees a File based Aws credential provider object.

[in,out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Object to be destroyed.
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeFileLogger()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeFileLogger ( )

Frees the static file logger object and resets the global logging function if it was previously set by the create function.

STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeIotAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeIotAuthCallbacks ( PAuthCallbacks ppIotAuthCallbacks)

Frees the Iot Credential auth callbacks

[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*pointer to AuthCallback provider object
STATUS status of operation

Frees the IotCredential Auth callback object

NOTE: The caller should have passed a pointer which was previously created by the corresponding function

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeIotCredentialProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeIotCredentialProvider ( PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider)

Frees an IoT based Aws credential provider object.

[in,out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Object to be destroyed.
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeRequestInfo()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeRequestInfo ( PRequestInfo ppRequestInfo)

Frees a Request Info object.

[in,out]PRequestInfo*The object to release
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeStaticAuthCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeStaticAuthCallbacks ( PAuthCallbacks ppStaticAuthCallbacks)

Frees the Static Credential auth callback

[in,out]PAuthCallbacks*pointer to AuthCallback provider object
STATUS status of operation

Frees the Static Auth callbacks object

NOTE: The caller should have passed a pointer which was previously created by the corresponding function

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeStaticCredentialProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeStaticCredentialProvider ( PAwsCredentialProvider ppCredentialProvider)

Frees a Static Aws credential provider object.

[in,out]PAwsCredentialProvider*Object to be destroyed.
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeStreamCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeStreamCallbacks ( PStreamCallbacks ppStreamCallbacks)

Frees StreamCallbacks struct

[in,out]PStreamCallbacks*the object to be freed
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeStreamInfoProvider()

PUBLIC_API STATUS freeStreamInfoProvider ( PStreamInfo *  ppStreamInfo)

Frees the StreamInfo provider object.

[in,out]PStreamInfo*StreamInfo provider object to be freed
STATUS code of the execution
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRequestHost()

PUBLIC_API STATUS getRequestHost ( PCHAR  pUrl,
PCHAR *  ppStart,
PCHAR *  ppEnd 

Gets a request host string.

[in]PCHARRequest URL
[out]PCHAR*The request host start character. NULL on error.
[out]PCHAR*The request host end character. NULL on error.
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getServiceCallResultFromHttpStatus()

PUBLIC_API SERVICE_CALL_RESULT getServiceCallResultFromHttpStatus ( UINT32  httpStatus)

Convenience method to convert HTTP statuses to SERVICE_CALL_RESULT status.

[in]UINT32http_status the HTTP status code of the call
SERVICE_CALL_RESULT The HTTP status translated into a SERVICE_CALL_RESULT value.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getUserAgentString()

PUBLIC_API STATUS getUserAgentString ( PCHAR  userAgentName,
PCHAR  customUserAgent,
UINT32  len,
PCHAR  pUserAgent 

Creates a user agent string.

[in]PCHARUser agent name
[in]PCHARCustom user agent string
[in]UINT32Length of the string
[out]PCHARCombined user agent string
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ releaseCallInfo()

PUBLIC_API STATUS releaseCallInfo ( PCallInfo  pCallInfo)

Releases the CallInfo allocations.

[in]PCallInfoCall info object to release
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeRequestHeader()

PUBLIC_API STATUS removeRequestHeader ( PRequestInfo  pRequestInfo,
PCHAR  headerName 

Removes a header from the headers list if exists.

[in]PRequestInfoRequest Info object
[in]PCHARHeader name to check and remove
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success

◆ removeRequestHeaders()

PUBLIC_API STATUS removeRequestHeaders ( PRequestInfo  pRequestInfo)

Removes and deletes all headers.

[in]PRequestInfoRequest Info object
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ requestRequiresSecureConnection()

PUBLIC_API STATUS requestRequiresSecureConnection ( PCHAR  pUrl,
PBOOL  pSecure 

Checks whether the request URL requires a secure connection.

[in]PCHARRequest URL
[out]PBOOLreturned value
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDeviceInfoStorageSize()

PUBLIC_API STATUS setDeviceInfoStorageSize ( PDeviceInfo  pDeviceInfo,
UINT64  storageSize 

Can be called after createDefaultDeviceInfo, set the storage size to storageSize.

[in]PDeviceInfopointer to the target object
[in]UINT64Buffer storage size in bytes
STATUS status of operation
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDeviceInfoStorageSizeBasedOnBitrateAndBufferDuration()

PUBLIC_API STATUS setDeviceInfoStorageSizeBasedOnBitrateAndBufferDuration ( PDeviceInfo  pDeviceInfo,
UINT64  averageBitsPerSecond,
UINT64  bufferDuration 

Can be called after createDefaultDeviceInfo, calculate the storage size based on averageBitRate and bufferDuration, the call initDeviceInfoStorageInMemoryFixedSize to set storage size.

[in]PDeviceInfopointer to the target object
[in]UINT64bitrate in bits per second
[in]UINT64buffer duration in 100ns
STATUS status of operation
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setPlatformCallbacks()

PUBLIC_API STATUS setPlatformCallbacks ( PClientCallbacks  pClientCallbacks,
PPlatformCallbacks  pPlatformCallbacks 

Sets the Platform callbacks.

NOTE: The existing Platform callbacks are overwritten.

[in]PClientCallbacksPointer to client callbacks

PPlatformCallbacks Pointer to platform callbacks to set

STATUS code of the execution
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setRequestHeader()

PUBLIC_API STATUS setRequestHeader ( PRequestInfo  pRequestInfo,
PCHAR  headerName,
UINT32  headerNameLen,
PCHAR  headerValue,
UINT32  headerValueLen 

Sets a header in the request info.

[in]PRequestInfoRequest Info object
[in]PCHARHeader name
[in,opt]UINT32 Header name length. Calculated if 0
[in]PCHARHeader value
[in,opt]UINT32 Header value length. Calculated if 0
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setStreamInfoBasedOnStorageSize()

PUBLIC_API STATUS setStreamInfoBasedOnStorageSize ( UINT32  storageSize,
UINT64  avgBitrate,
UINT32  totalStreamCount,
PStreamInfo  pStreamInfo 

Configure streaminfo based on given storage size and average bitrate Will change buffer duration, stream latency duration.

[in]UINT32Storage size in bytes
[in]UINT64Total average bitrate for all tracks. Unit: bits per second
[in]UINT32Total number of streams per kinesisVideoStreamClient
STATUS code of the execution

◆ signAwsRequestInfo()

PUBLIC_API STATUS signAwsRequestInfo ( PRequestInfo  pRequestInfo)

Signs a request by appending SigV4 headers.

[in,out]PRequestInfo*request info for signing
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ signAwsRequestInfoQueryParam()

PUBLIC_API STATUS signAwsRequestInfoQueryParam ( PRequestInfo  pRequestInfo)

Signs a request by appending SigV4 query param.

[in,out]PRequestInfo*Request info for signing
STATUS code of the execution. STATUS_SUCCESS on success
Here is the call graph for this function: