Amazon Kinesis Webrtc C SDK
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Structures available for use by applications. More...

Collaboration diagram for PublicStructures:


struct  RtcPeerConnection
 An RtcPeerConnection instance allows an application to establish peer-to-peer communications with another RtcPeerConnection, or to another endpoint implementing the required protocols. More...
struct  RtcMediaStreamTrack
 Represents a single track in a MediaStream. More...
struct  RtcRtpReceiver
 RTCRtpReceiver allows an application to inspect the receipt of a MediaStreamTrack. More...
struct  RtcRtpTransceiver
 The RTCRtpTransceiver represents a combination of an RTCRtpSender and an RTCRtpReceiver that share a common mid. More...
struct  RtcIceServer
 RtcIceServer is used to describe the STUN and TURN servers that can be used by the ICE Agent to establish a connection with a peer. More...
struct  RtcCertificate
 Specifies the certificate and the private key used by the certificate. The Certificates are in the form of x509 certs. More...
struct  KvsRtcConfiguration
struct  RtcConfiguration
 The Configuration defines a set of parameters to configure how the peer-to-peer communication established via RtcPeerConnection is established or re-established. More...
struct  RtcSessionDescriptionInit
 SessionDescription is used by RtcPeerConnection to expose local and remote session descriptions. More...
struct  RtcIceCandidateInit
 Rtc ICE candidate interface. More...
struct  SignalingMessage
 Structure defining the basic signaling message. More...
struct  ReceivedSignalingMessage
 Structure defining the signaling message to be received. More...
struct  SignalingClientInfo
 Populate Signaling client with client ID and application log level. More...
struct  ChannelInfo
 Contains all signaling channel related information. More...
struct  IceConfigInfo
 ICE configuration information struct. More...
struct  MediaStorageConfig
struct  SignalingClientCallbacks
 Register Signaling client callbacks. More...
struct  SignalingChannelDescription
 Signaling channel description returned from the service. More...
struct  RtcRtpTransceiverInit
 RtcRtpTransceiverInit is used to configure a transceiver when creating it. More...
struct  RtcDataChannelInit
 RtcDataChannelInit dictionary used to configure properties of the underlying channel such as data reliability. More...


typedef struct RtcPeerConnectionPRtcPeerConnection
typedef struct RtcMediaStreamTrackPRtcMediaStreamTrack
typedef struct RtcRtpReceiverPRtcRtpReceiver
typedef struct RtcRtpTransceiverPRtcRtpTransceiver
typedef struct RtcIceServerPRtcIceServer
typedef struct RtcCertificatePRtcCertificate
typedef struct KvsRtcConfigurationPKvsRtcConfiguration
typedef struct RtcConfigurationPRtcConfiguration
typedef struct RtcSessionDescriptionInitPRtcSessionDescriptionInit
typedef struct RtcIceCandidateInitPRtcIceCandidateInit
typedef struct SignalingMessagePSignalingMessage
typedef struct ReceivedSignalingMessagePReceivedSignalingMessage
typedef struct SignalingClientInfoPSignalingClientInfo
typedef struct ChannelInfoPChannelInfo
typedef struct IceConfigInfoPIceConfigInfo
typedef struct MediaStorageConfigPMediaStorageConfig
typedef struct SignalingClientCallbacksPSignalingClientCallbacks
typedef struct SignalingChannelDescriptionPSignalingChannelDescription
typedef struct RtcRtpTransceiverInitPRtcRtpTransceiverInit
typedef struct RtcDataChannelInitPRtcDataChannelInit

Detailed Description

Structures available for use by applications.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PChannelInfo

typedef struct ChannelInfo * PChannelInfo

◆ PIceConfigInfo

typedef struct IceConfigInfo * PIceConfigInfo

◆ PKvsRtcConfiguration

◆ PMediaStorageConfig

◆ PReceivedSignalingMessage

◆ PRtcCertificate

typedef struct RtcCertificate * PRtcCertificate

◆ PRtcConfiguration

◆ PRtcDataChannelInit

◆ PRtcIceCandidateInit

◆ PRtcIceServer

typedef struct RtcIceServer * PRtcIceServer

◆ PRtcMediaStreamTrack

◆ PRtcPeerConnection

◆ PRtcRtpReceiver

typedef struct RtcRtpReceiver * PRtcRtpReceiver

◆ PRtcRtpTransceiver

◆ PRtcRtpTransceiverInit

◆ PRtcSessionDescriptionInit

◆ PSignalingChannelDescription

◆ PSignalingClientCallbacks

◆ PSignalingClientInfo

◆ PSignalingMessage