Amazon Kinesis Webrtc C SDK
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SignalingClientInfo Struct Reference

Populate Signaling client with client ID and application log level. More...

#include <Include.h>

Collaboration diagram for SignalingClientInfo:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

UINT32 version
 Version of the structure.
CHAR clientId [256+1]
 Client id to use. Defines if the client is a producer/consumer.
UINT32 loggingLevel
PCHAR cacheFilePath
KvsRetryStrategyCallbacks signalingRetryStrategyCallbacks
 Retry strategy callbacks used while creating signaling client.
INT32 signalingClientCreationMaxRetryAttempts
 Max attempts to create signaling client before returning error to the caller.
UINT32 stateMachineRetryCountReadOnly
UINT32 signalingMessagesMinimumThreads
 Unused field post v1.8.1.
UINT32 signalingMessagesMaximumThreads
 Unused field post v1.8.1.

Detailed Description

Populate Signaling client with client ID and application log level.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: