Mqtt5Client |
This class wraps the aws-c-mqtt MQTT5 client to provide the basic MQTT5 pub/sub functionalities
via the AWS Common Runtime
One Mqtt5Client class creates one connection.
Mqtt5ClientOperationStatistics |
Simple statistics about the current state of the client's queue of operations
Mqtt5ClientOptions |
Configuration for the creation of Mqtt5Clients
Mqtt5ClientOptions.ClientOfflineQueueBehavior |
Controls how disconnects affect the queued and in-progress operations tracked by the client.
Mqtt5ClientOptions.ClientSessionBehavior |
Controls how the Mqtt5Client should behave with respect to MQTT sessions.
Mqtt5ClientOptions.ExtendedValidationAndFlowControlOptions |
Additional controls for client behavior with respect to operation validation and flow control; these checks
go beyond the MQTT5 spec to respect limits of specific MQTT brokers.
Mqtt5ClientOptions.LifecycleEvents |
An interface that defines all of the functions the Mqtt5Client will call when it receives a lifecycle event.
Mqtt5ClientOptions.Mqtt5ClientOptionsBuilder |
All of the options for a Mqtt5Client.
Mqtt5ClientOptions.PublishEvents |
An interface that defines all of the publish functions the Mqtt5Client will call when it receives a publish packet.
Mqtt5WebsocketHandshakeTransformArgs |
Arguments to a websocket handshake transform operation.
NegotiatedSettings |
MQTT behavior settings that are dynamically negotiated as part of the CONNECT/CONNACK exchange.
OnAttemptingConnectReturn |
The data returned when AttemptingConnect is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.
OnConnectionFailureReturn |
The data returned when OnConnectionFailure is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.
OnConnectionSuccessReturn |
The data returned when OnConnectionSuccess is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.
OnDisconnectionReturn |
The data returned when OnDisconnect is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.
OnStoppedReturn |
The data returned when OnStopped is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.
PublishResult |
The type of data returned after calling Publish on an Mqtt5Client.
PublishResult.PublishResultType |
The type of data returned after calling Publish on an MQTT5 client.
PublishReturn |
The data returned when a publish is made to a topic the MQTT5 client is subscribed to.
MQTT message delivery quality of service.
TopicAliasingOptions |
Configuration for all client topic aliasing behavior.
TopicAliasingOptions.InboundTopicAliasBehaviorType |
An enumeration that controls whether or not the client allows the broker to send publishes that use topic
TopicAliasingOptions.OutboundTopicAliasBehaviorType |
An enumeration that controls how the client applies topic aliasing to outbound publish packets.