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HTC-Grid API Reference

Client API (Python)

This section outlines how client application can connect and interact with a deployed HTC-Grid.

AWSConnector is the main class responsible for communication with the HTC-Grid. Upon creating the

class api.connector.AWSConnector

from api.connector import AWSConnector
These are the available methods:

Constructor - AWSConnector

Request Syntax

gridConnector = AWSConnector(client_config_data=
      'grid_storage_service' : 'REDIS'|'S3',
      's3_bucket' : 'string',
      'redis_url' :'string',
      'public_api_gateway_url' : 'string',
      'private_api_gateway_url' : 'string',
      'api_gateway_key' : 'string',
      'user_pool_id' : 'string',
      'cognito_userpool_client_id' : 'string',
      'username' : 'string',
      'password' : 'string',
      'dynamodb_results_pull_interval_sec' : 'number',
      'task_input_passed_via_external_storage' : 'number',
      'region' : 'string'

Parameters client_config_data (dict) [REQUIRED]

  • grid_storage_service - Determines which storage will be used for Data Plane 'REDIS'|'S3'
  • s3_bucket - The name of the S3 bucket that is used as a back-end for Data Plane
  • redis_url - The URL of the Redis deployment that is used as a back-end for the Data Plane
  • public_api_gateway_url -
  • private_api_gateway_url -
  • api_gateway_key -
  • user_pool_id -
  • cognito_userpool_client_id -
  • username - (optional) username for Cognito userpool, if the field is not present, username property is read from environment variable USERNAME
  • password - (optional) password for Cognito userpool, if the field is not present, password property is read from environment variable PASSWORD
  • dynamodb_results_pull_interval_sec - The frequency that the client uses to fetch results from DynamoDB.
  • REGION - Region where HTC-Grid is deployed

Return type AWSConnector Object

Method - authenticate

There are currently three ways to authenticate a client. 1. Passing username and password via client_config_data when initializing AWSConnector (not recommended). 2. Setting username and password in the environmental variables 3. If client application and HTC-Grid are located in the same VPN then there is no need for explicit authentication. However, an additional environmental variable needs to be set INTRA_VPC=1 allowing AWSConnector to skip username and password.

Request Syntax




Return type




Method - send

This function is used to send task(s) to the HTC-Grid.

Request Syntax


Parameters tasks_list (list) [REQUIRED]

A list of serializable dictionaries. Each dictionary will be passed to the execution lambda function as an event argument. Each dictionary will be encoded to base 64 before being stored in the Data Plane and then decoded before being passed to the execution lambda function. Output produced by the lambda function will be passed the same way in the reverse direction. Encoding and decoding is done by the grid connector, client only needs to provide serializable dictionary as input and output of the lambda functions.



Return type



On successful submission, function returns a dictionary.

   'session_id': 'string',
   'task_ids': [
  • session_id - a single session ID that is associated with the submission.
  • task_ids - an ordered list of task IDs associated with each task that was submitted in the request.

Method - get_results

Blocking function, waits until all tasks in the session are completed or until the timeout is expired. Function returns task IDs that have reached their terminal state (i.e., their states will not change). - Note, function does not return outputs of the lambdas, it is responsibility of the client to retrieve results from the Data Plane asynchronously. This function merely indicates that tasks are completed and results can be retrieved from the Data Plane.

Request Syntax

   submission_response = {
      'session_id' : 'string',
      'task_ids': [
   timeout_sec = 'number'


  • submission_response - a dictionary that was returned after successful submission of tasks. submission_response must contain a valid session_id and a list of associated task_ids.
  • timeout_sec - the function will periodically (based on dynamodb_results_pull_interval_sec) will try to pull for results until all tasks in the session are reached their terminal states or until the timeout is expires. The function uses the length of the task_ids list to determine the number of expected responses from the grid.

Return type



   'finished': [
   'finished_OUTPUT': [
   'failed': [
   'failed_OUTPUT': [
   'cancelled': [
   'cancelled_OUTPUT': [
   'metadata': {
      'tasks_in_response': 'number'
* finished (optional) - list of finished task IDs * finished_OUTPUT (optional) - returns a string output produced by the lambda function * cancelled (optional) list of canceled task IDs * cancelled_OUTPUT (optional) - returns a hard-coded string read_from_REDIS indicating that actual output should be read from Data Plane, it is responsibility of the client to do that. * failed (optional) list of failed task IDs * failed_OUTPUT (optional) - returns a hard-coded string read_from_REDIS indicating that actual output should be read from Data Plane, it is responsibility of the client to do that. * metadata * tasks_in_response - total number of task in the terminal state (finished + failed + canceled) returned to the response. For example, if none of the tasks in the session have reached their terminal states an expected return is as follows:
   'metadata': {
      'tasks_in_response': 0

Method - cancel_sessions

Request Syntax

response = gridConnector.cancel_sessions(


  • Function takes list of session IDs to be canceled

Return type



Function returns dictionary of processed session IDs.

      'cancelled_retrying': 0,
      'cancelled_pending': 3,
      'cancelled_processing': 1,
      'total_cancelled_tasks': 4

   'string': {....}, #session - 2
   'string': {....}, #session - 3
  • string - keys of the response dictionary are session IDs that were passed in for cancellation. Sub-dictionaries contain information about how many tasks were moved into canceled state.
  • cancelled_retying - number of tasks moved from retrying state into canceled state
  • cancelled_pending - number of tasks moved from pending state into canceled state
  • cancelled_processing - number of tasks moved from the processing state into canceled state.
  • total_cancelled_tasks - total number of tasks that has been affected by this invocation.